Resolution: Done
P2: Important
- Windows 10
- Qt 5.12.0 (via the Qt online installer)
- QMake
- MinGW73_64
My UIPrototype.exe does not start from the file system when deploying with windeployqt using components of Quick2, QML, Chart, VirtualKeyboard, ApplicationBaseWindow, ... when using to compile a simple project on Windows.
Used comand:
C:\Qt\5.12.0\mingw73_64>windeployqt.exe --qmldir "K:\qt_work\Exercises\UIPrototype" "K:\qt_work\Exercises\build-UIPrototype-Desktop_Qt_5_12_0_MinGW_64_bit-Release\release" --compiler-runtime --qml --quick
The deployed references are maybe incomplete and after try of deploy I found inexplicable changes at project config (or something else). The same code but using QMake and Qt Creator to run the application works without any issue before deploying. But running the project in Qt Creator after using windeployqt the following issues are reported:
16:25:49: Starting K:\qt_work\Exercises\UIPrototype\deploy\release\UIPrototype.exe... void Functor::operator()(QString) "Hello" prc.graph: "1506 values in CSV" QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component [+qrc:/main.qml:9+] Der Typ ApplicationBaseWindow ist nicht verf?gbar [+qrc:/ApplicationBaseWindow.qml:38+] Der Typ InputPanel ist nicht verf?gbar [+qrc:/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/content/InputPanel.qml:125+] Der Typ Keyboard ist nicht verf?gbar [+qrc:/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/content/components/Keyboard.qml:36+] Modul "QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins" Version 2.3 ist nicht installiert 16:25:49: K:/qt_work/Exercises/UIPrototype/deploy/release/UIPrototype.exe exited with code -1
--> Can not use windeployqt effectively!
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTBUG-49556 windeployqt is not including qtvirtualkeyboardstylesplugin
- Closed