C:\dev\projects\qtbug73319_512\release\qtbug73319.exe 64 bit, release executable [QML] Scanning C:\dev\projects\qtbug73319: QML imports: 'QtQuick' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick.2 'QtQuick.Window' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Window.2 'QtQuick.Controls' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Controls.2 'QtQuick.Layouts' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Layouts 'QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\VirtualKeyboard 'QtQuick.Templates' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Templates.2 'Qt.labs.folderlistmodel' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\Qt\labs\folderlistmodel 'QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Settings' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\VirtualKeyboard\Settings 'QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Styles' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\VirtualKeyboard\Styles 'QtCharts' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtCharts 'QtQuick.Shapes' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Shapes 'QtQuick.Controls.Fusion' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Controls.2\Fusion 'QtQuick.Controls.Imagine' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Controls.2\Imagine 'QtGraphicalEffects' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtGraphicalEffects 'QtGraphicalEffects/private' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtGraphicalEffects\private 'QtQuick.Controls.Material' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Controls.2\Material 'QtQuick.Controls.Universal' C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Controls.2\Universal Direct dependencies: Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Qml Qt5Quick Qt5Widgets All dependencies : Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Network Qt5Qml Qt5Quick Qt5Svg Qt5Widgets To be deployed : Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Network Qt5Qml Qt5Quick Qt5Svg Qt5Widgets Updating Qt5Charts.dll. Updating Qt5QuickTemplates2.dll. Updating Qt5QuickControls2.dll. Updating Qt5VirtualKeyboard.dll. Updating Qt5QuickShapes.dll. Updating Qt5Core.dll. Updating Qt5Gui.dll. Updating Qt5Network.dll. Updating Qt5Qml.dll. Updating Qt5Quick.dll. Updating Qt5Svg.dll. Updating Qt5Widgets.dll. Updating libGLESV2.dll. Updating libEGL.dll. Updating d3dcompiler_47.dll. Updating opengl32sw.dll. Updating vc_redist.x64.exe. Patching Qt5Core.dll... Creating directory C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/bearer. Updating qgenericbearer.dll. Creating directory C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/iconengines. Updating qsvgicon.dll. Creating directory C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/imageformats. Updating qgif.dll. Updating qicns.dll. Updating qico.dll. Updating qjpeg.dll. Updating qsvg.dll. Updating qtga.dll. Updating qtiff.dll. Updating qwbmp.dll. Updating qwebp.dll. Creating directory C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/platforminputcontexts. Updating qtvirtualkeyboardplugin.dll. Creating directory C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/platforms. Updating qwindows.dll. Creating directory C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/qmltooling. Updating qmldbg_debugger.dll. Updating qmldbg_inspector.dll. Updating qmldbg_local.dll. Updating qmldbg_messages.dll. Updating qmldbg_native.dll. Updating qmldbg_nativedebugger.dll. Updating qmldbg_preview.dll. Updating qmldbg_profiler.dll. Updating qmldbg_quickprofiler.dll. Updating qmldbg_server.dll. Updating qmldbg_tcp.dll. Creating directory C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/scenegraph. Updating qsgd3d12backend.dll. Creating directory C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/styles. Updating qwindowsvistastyle.dll. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick.2. Updating qtquick2plugin.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. Creating C:\dev\projects\qtbug73319_512\release\QtQuick... Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/Window.2. Updating windowplugin.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/Controls.2. Updating qtquickcontrols2plugin.dll. Updating AbstractButton.qml. Updating Action.qml. Updating ActionGroup.qml. Updating ApplicationWindow.qml. Updating BusyIndicator.qml. Updating Button.qml. Updating ButtonGroup.qml. Updating CheckBox.qml. Updating CheckDelegate.qml. Updating ComboBox.qml. Updating Container.qml. Updating Control.qml. Updating DelayButton.qml. Updating Dial.qml. Updating Dialog.qml. Updating DialogButtonBox.qml. Updating Drawer.qml. Updating Frame.qml. Updating GroupBox.qml. Updating ItemDelegate.qml. Updating Label.qml. Updating Menu.qml. Updating MenuBar.qml. Updating MenuBarItem.qml. Updating MenuItem.qml. Updating MenuSeparator.qml. Updating Page.qml. Updating PageIndicator.qml. Updating Pane.qml. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating Popup.qml. Updating ProgressBar.qml. Updating qmldir. Updating RadioButton.qml. Updating RadioDelegate.qml. Updating RangeSlider.qml. Updating RoundButton.qml. Updating ScrollBar.qml. Updating ScrollIndicator.qml. Updating ScrollView.qml. Updating Slider.qml. Updating SpinBox.qml. Updating StackView.qml. Updating SwipeDelegate.qml. Updating SwipeView.qml. Updating Switch.qml. Updating SwitchDelegate.qml. Updating TabBar.qml. Updating TabButton.qml. Updating TextArea.qml. Updating TextField.qml. Updating ToolBar.qml. Updating ToolButton.qml. Updating ToolSeparator.qml. Updating ToolTip.qml. Updating Tumbler.qml. Skipping C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtQuick\Controls.2\designer. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/Controls.2/Fusion. Updating qtquickcontrols2fusionstyleplugin.dll. Updating ApplicationWindow.qml. Updating BusyIndicator.qml. Updating Button.qml. Updating ButtonPanel.qml. Updating CheckBox.qml. Updating CheckDelegate.qml. Updating CheckIndicator.qml. Updating ComboBox.qml. Updating DelayButton.qml. Updating Dial.qml. Updating Dialog.qml. Updating DialogButtonBox.qml. Updating Drawer.qml. Updating Frame.qml. Updating GroupBox.qml. Updating ItemDelegate.qml. Updating Label.qml. Updating Menu.qml. Updating MenuBar.qml. Updating MenuBarItem.qml. Updating MenuItem.qml. Updating MenuSeparator.qml. Updating Page.qml. Updating PageIndicator.qml. Updating Pane.qml. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating Popup.qml. Updating ProgressBar.qml. Updating qmldir. Updating RadioButton.qml. Updating RadioDelegate.qml. Updating RadioIndicator.qml. Updating RangeSlider.qml. Updating RoundButton.qml. Updating ScrollBar.qml. Updating ScrollIndicator.qml. Updating Slider.qml. Updating SliderGroove.qml. Updating SliderHandle.qml. Updating SpinBox.qml. Updating SwipeDelegate.qml. Updating Switch.qml. Updating SwitchDelegate.qml. Updating SwitchIndicator.qml. Updating TabBar.qml. Updating TabButton.qml. Updating TextArea.qml. Updating TextField.qml. Updating ToolBar.qml. Updating ToolButton.qml. Updating ToolSeparator.qml. Updating ToolTip.qml. Updating Tumbler.qml. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/Controls.2/Imagine. Updating qtquickcontrols2imaginestyleplugin.dll. Updating ApplicationWindow.qml. Updating BusyIndicator.qml. Updating Button.qml. Updating CheckBox.qml. Updating CheckDelegate.qml. Updating ComboBox.qml. Updating DelayButton.qml. Updating Dial.qml. Updating Dialog.qml. Updating DialogButtonBox.qml. Updating Drawer.qml. Updating Frame.qml. Updating GroupBox.qml. Updating ItemDelegate.qml. Updating Label.qml. Updating Menu.qml. Updating MenuItem.qml. Updating MenuSeparator.qml. Updating Page.qml. Updating PageIndicator.qml. Updating Pane.qml. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating Popup.qml. Updating ProgressBar.qml. Updating qmldir. Updating RadioButton.qml. Updating RadioDelegate.qml. Updating RangeSlider.qml. Updating RoundButton.qml. Updating ScrollBar.qml. Updating ScrollIndicator.qml. Updating Slider.qml. Updating SpinBox.qml. Updating StackView.qml. Updating SwipeDelegate.qml. Updating SwipeView.qml. Updating Switch.qml. Updating SwitchDelegate.qml. Updating TabBar.qml. Updating TabButton.qml. Updating TextArea.qml. Updating TextField.qml. Updating ToolBar.qml. Updating ToolButton.qml. Updating ToolSeparator.qml. Updating ToolTip.qml. Updating Tumbler.qml. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/Controls.2/Material. Updating qtquickcontrols2materialstyleplugin.dll. Updating ApplicationWindow.qml. Updating BoxShadow.qml. Updating BusyIndicator.qml. Updating Button.qml. Updating CheckBox.qml. Updating CheckDelegate.qml. Updating CheckIndicator.qml. Updating ComboBox.qml. Updating CursorDelegate.qml. Updating DelayButton.qml. Updating Dial.qml. Updating Dialog.qml. Updating DialogButtonBox.qml. Updating Drawer.qml. Updating ElevationEffect.qml. Updating Frame.qml. Updating GroupBox.qml. Updating ItemDelegate.qml. Updating Label.qml. Updating Menu.qml. Updating MenuBar.qml. Updating MenuBarItem.qml. Updating MenuItem.qml. Updating MenuSeparator.qml. Updating Page.qml. Updating PageIndicator.qml. Updating Pane.qml. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating Popup.qml. Updating ProgressBar.qml. Updating qmldir. Updating RadioButton.qml. Updating RadioDelegate.qml. Updating RadioIndicator.qml. Updating RangeSlider.qml. Updating RectangularGlow.qml. Updating RoundButton.qml. Updating ScrollBar.qml. Updating ScrollIndicator.qml. Updating Slider.qml. Updating SliderHandle.qml. Updating SpinBox.qml. Updating StackView.qml. Updating SwipeDelegate.qml. Updating SwipeView.qml. Updating Switch.qml. Updating SwitchDelegate.qml. Updating SwitchIndicator.qml. Updating TabBar.qml. Updating TabButton.qml. Updating TextArea.qml. Updating TextField.qml. Updating ToolBar.qml. Updating ToolButton.qml. Updating ToolSeparator.qml. Updating ToolTip.qml. Updating Tumbler.qml. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/Controls.2/Universal. Updating qtquickcontrols2universalstyleplugin.dll. Updating ApplicationWindow.qml. Updating BusyIndicator.qml. Updating Button.qml. Updating CheckBox.qml. Updating CheckDelegate.qml. Updating CheckIndicator.qml. Updating ComboBox.qml. Updating DelayButton.qml. Updating Dial.qml. Updating Dialog.qml. Updating DialogButtonBox.qml. Updating Drawer.qml. Updating Frame.qml. Updating GroupBox.qml. Updating ItemDelegate.qml. Updating Label.qml. Updating Menu.qml. Updating MenuBar.qml. Updating MenuBarItem.qml. Updating MenuItem.qml. Updating MenuSeparator.qml. Updating Page.qml. Updating PageIndicator.qml. Updating Pane.qml. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating Popup.qml. Updating ProgressBar.qml. Updating qmldir. Updating RadioButton.qml. Updating RadioDelegate.qml. Updating RadioIndicator.qml. Updating RangeSlider.qml. Updating RoundButton.qml. Updating ScrollBar.qml. Updating ScrollIndicator.qml. Updating Slider.qml. Updating SpinBox.qml. Updating StackView.qml. Updating SwipeDelegate.qml. Updating Switch.qml. Updating SwitchDelegate.qml. Updating SwitchIndicator.qml. Updating TabBar.qml. Updating TabButton.qml. Updating TextArea.qml. Updating TextField.qml. Updating ToolBar.qml. Updating ToolButton.qml. Updating ToolSeparator.qml. Updating ToolTip.qml. Updating Tumbler.qml. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/Layouts. Updating qquicklayoutsplugin.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard. Updating qtquickvirtualkeyboardplugin.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/Settings. Updating qtquickvirtualkeyboardsettingsplugin.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/Styles. Updating qtquickvirtualkeyboardstylesplugin.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/Templates.2. Updating qtquicktemplates2plugin.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. Creating C:\dev\projects\qtbug73319_512\release\Qt\labs... Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/Qt/labs/folderlistmodel. Updating qmlfolderlistmodelplugin.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. qtquickvirtualkeyboardsettingsplugin.dll is up to date. plugins.qmltypes is up to date. qmldir is up to date. qtquickvirtualkeyboardstylesplugin.dll is up to date. plugins.qmltypes is up to date. qmldir is up to date. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtCharts. Updating qtchartsqml2.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. Skipping C:\Qt\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml\QtCharts\designer. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtQuick/Shapes. Updating qmlshapesplugin.dll. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. qtquickcontrols2fusionstyleplugin.dll is up to date. ApplicationWindow.qml is up to date. BusyIndicator.qml is up to date. Button.qml is up to date. ButtonPanel.qml is up to date. CheckBox.qml is up to date. CheckDelegate.qml is up to date. CheckIndicator.qml is up to date. ComboBox.qml is up to date. DelayButton.qml is up to date. Dial.qml is up to date. Dialog.qml is up to date. DialogButtonBox.qml is up to date. Drawer.qml is up to date. Frame.qml is up to date. GroupBox.qml is up to date. ItemDelegate.qml is up to date. Label.qml is up to date. Menu.qml is up to date. MenuBar.qml is up to date. MenuBarItem.qml is up to date. MenuItem.qml is up to date. MenuSeparator.qml is up to date. Page.qml is up to date. PageIndicator.qml is up to date. Pane.qml is up to date. plugins.qmltypes is up to date. Popup.qml is up to date. ProgressBar.qml is up to date. qmldir is up to date. RadioButton.qml is up to date. RadioDelegate.qml is up to date. RadioIndicator.qml is up to date. RangeSlider.qml is up to date. RoundButton.qml is up to date. ScrollBar.qml is up to date. ScrollIndicator.qml is up to date. Slider.qml is up to date. SliderGroove.qml is up to date. SliderHandle.qml is up to date. SpinBox.qml is up to date. SwipeDelegate.qml is up to date. Switch.qml is up to date. SwitchDelegate.qml is up to date. SwitchIndicator.qml is up to date. TabBar.qml is up to date. TabButton.qml is up to date. TextArea.qml is up to date. TextField.qml is up to date. ToolBar.qml is up to date. ToolButton.qml is up to date. ToolSeparator.qml is up to date. ToolTip.qml is up to date. Tumbler.qml is up to date. qtquickcontrols2imaginestyleplugin.dll is up to date. ApplicationWindow.qml is up to date. BusyIndicator.qml is up to date. Button.qml is up to date. CheckBox.qml is up to date. CheckDelegate.qml is up to date. ComboBox.qml is up to date. DelayButton.qml is up to date. Dial.qml is up to date. Dialog.qml is up to date. DialogButtonBox.qml is up to date. Drawer.qml is up to date. Frame.qml is up to date. GroupBox.qml is up to date. ItemDelegate.qml is up to date. Label.qml is up to date. Menu.qml is up to date. MenuItem.qml is up to date. MenuSeparator.qml is up to date. Page.qml is up to date. PageIndicator.qml is up to date. Pane.qml is up to date. plugins.qmltypes is up to date. Popup.qml is up to date. ProgressBar.qml is up to date. qmldir is up to date. RadioButton.qml is up to date. RadioDelegate.qml is up to date. RangeSlider.qml is up to date. RoundButton.qml is up to date. ScrollBar.qml is up to date. ScrollIndicator.qml is up to date. Slider.qml is up to date. SpinBox.qml is up to date. StackView.qml is up to date. SwipeDelegate.qml is up to date. SwipeView.qml is up to date. Switch.qml is up to date. SwitchDelegate.qml is up to date. TabBar.qml is up to date. TabButton.qml is up to date. TextArea.qml is up to date. TextField.qml is up to date. ToolBar.qml is up to date. ToolButton.qml is up to date. ToolSeparator.qml is up to date. ToolTip.qml is up to date. Tumbler.qml is up to date. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtGraphicalEffects. Updating qtgraphicaleffectsplugin.dll. Updating Blend.qml. Updating BrightnessContrast.qml. Updating Colorize.qml. Updating ColorOverlay.qml. Updating ConicalGradient.qml. Updating Desaturate.qml. Updating DirectionalBlur.qml. Updating Displace.qml. Updating DropShadow.qml. Updating FastBlur.qml. Updating GammaAdjust.qml. Updating GaussianBlur.qml. Updating Glow.qml. Updating HueSaturation.qml. Updating InnerShadow.qml. Updating LevelAdjust.qml. Updating LinearGradient.qml. Updating MaskedBlur.qml. Updating OpacityMask.qml. Updating plugins.qmltypes. Updating qmldir. Updating RadialBlur.qml. Updating RadialGradient.qml. Updating RectangularGlow.qml. Updating RecursiveBlur.qml. Updating ThresholdMask.qml. Updating ZoomBlur.qml. Creating C:/dev/projects/qtbug73319_512/release/QtGraphicalEffects/private. Updating qtgraphicaleffectsprivate.dll. Updating DropShadowBase.qml. Updating DropShadowBase.qmlc. Updating FastGlow.qml. Updating FastGlow.qmlc. Updating FastInnerShadow.qml. Updating FastInnerShadow.qmlc. Updating FastMaskedBlur.qml. Updating FastMaskedBlur.qmlc. Updating GaussianDirectionalBlur.qml. Updating GaussianDirectionalBlur.qmlc. Updating GaussianGlow.qml. Updating GaussianGlow.qmlc. Updating GaussianInnerShadow.qml. Updating GaussianInnerShadow.qmlc. Updating GaussianMaskedBlur.qml. Updating GaussianMaskedBlur.qmlc. Updating qmldir. qtgraphicaleffectsprivate.dll is up to date. DropShadowBase.qml is up to date. DropShadowBase.qmlc is up to date. FastGlow.qml is up to date. FastGlow.qmlc is up to date. FastInnerShadow.qml is up to date. FastInnerShadow.qmlc is up to date. FastMaskedBlur.qml is up to date. FastMaskedBlur.qmlc is up to date. GaussianDirectionalBlur.qml is up to date. GaussianDirectionalBlur.qmlc is up to date. GaussianGlow.qml is up to date. GaussianGlow.qmlc is up to date. GaussianInnerShadow.qml is up to date. GaussianInnerShadow.qmlc is up to date. GaussianMaskedBlur.qml is up to date. GaussianMaskedBlur.qmlc is up to date. qmldir is up to date. qtquickcontrols2materialstyleplugin.dll is up to date. ApplicationWindow.qml is up to date. BoxShadow.qml is up to date. BusyIndicator.qml is up to date. Button.qml is up to date. CheckBox.qml is up to date. CheckDelegate.qml is up to date. CheckIndicator.qml is up to date. ComboBox.qml is up to date. CursorDelegate.qml is up to date. DelayButton.qml is up to date. Dial.qml is up to date. Dialog.qml is up to date. DialogButtonBox.qml is up to date. Drawer.qml is up to date. ElevationEffect.qml is up to date. Frame.qml is up to date. GroupBox.qml is up to date. ItemDelegate.qml is up to date. Label.qml is up to date. Menu.qml is up to date. MenuBar.qml is up to date. MenuBarItem.qml is up to date. MenuItem.qml is up to date. MenuSeparator.qml is up to date. Page.qml is up to date. PageIndicator.qml is up to date. Pane.qml is up to date. plugins.qmltypes is up to date. Popup.qml is up to date. ProgressBar.qml is up to date. qmldir is up to date. RadioButton.qml is up to date. RadioDelegate.qml is up to date. RadioIndicator.qml is up to date. RangeSlider.qml is up to date. RectangularGlow.qml is up to date. RoundButton.qml is up to date. ScrollBar.qml is up to date. ScrollIndicator.qml is up to date. Slider.qml is up to date. SliderHandle.qml is up to date. SpinBox.qml is up to date. StackView.qml is up to date. SwipeDelegate.qml is up to date. SwipeView.qml is up to date. Switch.qml is up to date. SwitchDelegate.qml is up to date. SwitchIndicator.qml is up to date. TabBar.qml is up to date. TabButton.qml is up to date. TextArea.qml is up to date. TextField.qml is up to date. ToolBar.qml is up to date. ToolButton.qml is up to date. ToolSeparator.qml is up to date. ToolTip.qml is up to date. Tumbler.qml is up to date. qtquickcontrols2universalstyleplugin.dll is up to date. ApplicationWindow.qml is up to date. BusyIndicator.qml is up to date. Button.qml is up to date. CheckBox.qml is up to date. CheckDelegate.qml is up to date. CheckIndicator.qml is up to date. ComboBox.qml is up to date. DelayButton.qml is up to date. Dial.qml is up to date. Dialog.qml is up to date. DialogButtonBox.qml is up to date. Drawer.qml is up to date. Frame.qml is up to date. GroupBox.qml is up to date. ItemDelegate.qml is up to date. Label.qml is up to date. Menu.qml is up to date. MenuBar.qml is up to date. MenuBarItem.qml is up to date. MenuItem.qml is up to date. MenuSeparator.qml is up to date. Page.qml is up to date. PageIndicator.qml is up to date. Pane.qml is up to date. plugins.qmltypes is up to date. Popup.qml is up to date. ProgressBar.qml is up to date. qmldir is up to date. RadioButton.qml is up to date. RadioDelegate.qml is up to date. RadioIndicator.qml is up to date. RangeSlider.qml is up to date. RoundButton.qml is up to date. ScrollBar.qml is up to date. ScrollIndicator.qml is up to date. Slider.qml is up to date. SpinBox.qml is up to date. StackView.qml is up to date. SwipeDelegate.qml is up to date. Switch.qml is up to date. SwitchDelegate.qml is up to date. SwitchIndicator.qml is up to date. TabBar.qml is up to date. TabButton.qml is up to date. TextArea.qml is up to date. TextField.qml is up to date. ToolBar.qml is up to date. ToolButton.qml is up to date. ToolSeparator.qml is up to date. ToolTip.qml is up to date. Tumbler.qml is up to date. Creating C:\dev\projects\qtbug73319_512\release\translations... Creating qt_ar.qm... Creating qt_bg.qm... Creating qt_ca.qm... Creating qt_cs.qm... Creating qt_da.qm... Creating qt_de.qm... Creating qt_en.qm... Creating qt_es.qm... Creating qt_fi.qm... Creating qt_fr.qm... Creating qt_gd.qm... Creating qt_he.qm... Creating qt_hu.qm... Creating qt_it.qm... Creating qt_ja.qm... Creating qt_ko.qm... Creating qt_lv.qm... Creating qt_pl.qm... Creating qt_ru.qm... Creating qt_sk.qm... Creating qt_uk.qm...