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  1. Qt for Python
  2. PYSIDE-2157

Add/improve compatibility with Design Studio Qt Quick Designer Components



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 6.4.0
    • Other
    • None
    • Windows 10

      Kit: MSVC 2019

      PySide6 v6.4.1

      Qt 6.4.1

    • Windows


      Qt Design Studio supports a QML module called Qt Quick Designer Components. It is necessary for a developer, while converting a DS project to a (Qt Creator) compatible application project, to clone, build, and install this module for any relevant kits.

      In trying to do this for a PySide6 project, I've not had success installing the module. The installation paths for C++ kits do not map 1-1 to the PySide6 installation. Copying the `qml/QtQuick/Studio` directory from my MSVC kit to the PySide6 qml directory allows the module to be 'seen' by the PySide6 app, but the following error is encountered:

      This file does exist, and the components were built in 'Release' mode.

      I propose:
      1) Support for this module with PySide6 be ensured
      2) Documentation be added to the PySide project for installing this module, if it can't be included in the addons wheel (note: binaries for this module are not shipped with standard Qt at this time)
      3) Better support for the Designer-to-Developer workflow with Qt for Python become an objective as we in sales are seeing a heightened interest in this workflow, and we don't have any documentation or examples around it. Happy to contribute to this as well

      Attached you'll find a copy of the project producing the error above. It's unfinished so beyond this there may be other issues, but this one is the focus of this ticket.

      Repo: https://code.qt.io/qt-labs/qtquickdesigner-components.git


        1. AutomotiveIVI02_pyside6.zip
          1.36 MB
          Samuel Patterson
        2. image-2022-12-14-12-04-12-022.png
          46 kB
          Samuel Patterson



            crmaurei Cristian Maureira-Fredes
            sapatter Samuel Patterson
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

