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  1. Qt Solutions
  2. QTSOLBUG-125

Sending QtSoapArray as MethodArgument results in undefined crash



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • Release 6
    • SOAP
    • None
    • Windows 7, QtCreator 1.3.1, Qt 4.6.2, QtSoap 2.7_1


      After I added a QtSoapArray as Methodargument for a QtSoapMessage (WSDL requires Array) i got random crashes after submitting the request.
      It does not crash in the submitRequest function, but very soon after finishing it.
      Qt-Creator's debugger just showed a special position in a disassembly:
      0x77cb173c mov (%ecx),%ebx
      and listed ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection as "file".
      I also tried to execute the program further via Visual Studio 2010 included Debugger.
      After hitting "continue" the vc++ debugger printed errors again and again.
      The crash occured random at different Array data, and even with an void Array.

      At the end I took a look into qtsoap.cpp and found something (with the help of documentation of QNetworkAccessManager).
      The description of post method pointed out :
      "data must be open for reading and must remain valid until the finished() signal is emitted for this reply."
      After reviewing the submitRequest method of QtSoapHttpTransport I tried to add a private property and copied the given request argument in submitRequest to it. Then I changed the QNetworkAccessManager call to use the copied request.
      For me that did the trick.

      Forgot to mention my changes; he they come:
      Line 610: Added "QtSoapMessage soapRequest;"
      (Private save of the request)
      Line: 3160: Added "this->soapRequest = request;"
      (Save the request)
      Line 3168: Changed "networkRep = networkMgr.post(networkReq, request.toXmlString().toUtf8().constData());" to "networkRep = networkMgr.post(networkReq, soapRequest.toXmlString().toUtf8().constData());"
      (Use the saved request)




            Unassigned Unassigned
            subzeros Stephan Pfistner
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