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      Facilitate the Qt company contribution to OAMK IoT seminar. 

      Find suitable person to give a speech about Qt usage for the IoT and to network with other Iot players. 


      Qt will also give an interesting presentation about Qt technology for the Internet of Things (Iot) in week 47 at OAMK, and local companies involved in IoT are present in addition to the staff and students. This seminar presentation will be given by Qt Senior Account Manager Vesa Kyllönen.

      Notes (share in blog comments):

      The IoT seminar has been held in the Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

      Vesa Kyllönen gave 30 minutes Qt presentation in the seminar.

      Please find the video links to all seminar presentations below. The links are pointing to the same youtube recordings providing a shortcut to each performance start.

      The bolded ones are top picks recommended by Vesa. Please note that you can use higher playback speed in the youtube and the audio is still understandable if you want to save some time.

      Company, Topic, Presenter, Presenter’s title, starting time (link)

      OAMK, Opening of the seminar, Jouko Paaso, Rector of OAMK, time 6:45

      ARM, IoT Revolution, Pasi Pikkarainen, Senior Product Manager, time 13:05

      Empower, Iot for Real, Stefan Wiklund, Director of Architecture and Technologytime 1:01:00

      Qt Company, Tools to create software for industrial edge devices, Vesa Kyllönen, Senior Account Managertime 1:35:15

      IBM Nordic, Iot is a lot more than Technology, Tuomo Haukkovaara, Vice President, Long Term Servicestime 3:03:00

      KNL Networks, Digitalisation and Iot in the maritime industry, Jukka Rautava, Vice President, time 4:25:30

      iProtoxi, Using Aistin Platform for IoT Solutions, Janne Kallio, CEO, time 5:08:40




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