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  1. Qt Quality Assurance Infrastructure
  2. QTQAINFRA-2660

Modernize test case management with a tool



    • Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • None
    • Test management
    • None
    • Qt Test Management Tool


      Following objectives have been agreed with line manager and R&D manager for the software testing assessment.

      Why Test Management Tool?

      The mission statement for the test management tool usage is as follows: We want to continuously improve our quality assurance. In order to improve software quality assurance and testing we must be able to control it. 

      Currently we do not have a common documented test process. Having a suitable tool will help us executing the test process.

      What is a process?

      The process is a collection of role-based activities to transform inputs into outputs (what should always happen, and who should do it, irrespective of how)
      All employees are applying various processes on a daily basis in their work, even if it may happen unconsciously, as an undocumented process is still a process.
      It is good to mention that processes are meant for people and not vice versa. The process discipline is a prerequisite for the continuous optimization, which happens by process updates with stakeholders, since you can only control what you can measure

      Which problem are we trying to address with a test management tool?

      This list illustrates some of the related challenges in various levels in the organization:

      • R&D management wants to enhance internal efficiency of the release process (See R&D Focus Areas 2019 proposal)
        • Parallel product releases require improvements
        • Test execution is always in the critical path of the project schedule
      • Product management needs:
        • Need to establish proper dashboards for different levels with few KPI metrics in each
        • Show performance improvements in each release
        • Requirement traceability for PM and for ISO 9001:2015
      • Specific examples from R&D teams:
        • Qt for Device Creation has identified a need for improving the test management
        • Boot2Qt test management & reporting improvements
        • Embedded RTA test suite productization for 2nd and 3rd party self testing

      How to introduce new tool to organization?

      Consider following:

      • Sell idea to peers
      • Sell idea to managers
      • Show current issues
      • Show solution proposals
      • Get experiences in a small scale
      • Communicate in all phases

      What practical actions are needed?

      Consider following:

      • The needs must be identified with the stakeholders
      • The current engineering processes (development and development support) needs to be cross-checked
      • Benefits must be listed
      • Tool alternatives need to be checked
      • Smooth transition from existing tools
      • Piloting with early adopters and experimentation
      • Integration of the system
      • Communication and sharing good experiences and how to avoid pitfalls 


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              assaarel Asmo Saarela
              assaarel Asmo Saarela
              Mikko Halonen Mikko Halonen
              Olli Hirvonen Olli Hirvonen
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

