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  1. Qt Mobility

Qt Mobility QML elements should use qmlInfo() instead of qWarning() to print out warnings



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P4: Low
    • 1.1.2, 1.2.0
    • None
    • Service Framework
    • None
    • 7035111aa6c7ec1e964b578f98496cb611201003 87d6e1a28ae7708b9b5e233aece1c2944c2697ac bd42e0440a7ee3ac34067ea9dd5b4a9ae15299df


      When Qt Mobility QML elements types display warning messages, qmlInfo() should be used instead of qWarning() as it improves traceability, because it includes the QML file and line number on which the particular instance was instantiated. It's already used in QML elements provided by Gallery and Messaging modules.

      Example usage:

      #include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarativeinfo.h>
      qmlInfo(this) << tr("The value of filter is unsupported"); // pass object in question

      For more information see

      cd plugins/declarative
      grep -ir qWarning .
      contacts/qdeclarativecontactmodel.cpp:    qWarning() << "ContactModel: appending contacts is not currently supported";
      contacts/qdeclarativecontactmodel.cpp:                qWarning() << "contacts imported.";
      contacts/qdeclarativecontactrelationshipmodel.cpp:                    qWarning() << "this relationship '" << row << "' was already removed!";
      contacts/qdeclarativecontactrelationship.cpp:            qWarning() << "unknown relationship type:" << relationshipType;
      location/qdeclarativelandmarkmodel.cpp:    qWarning() << "LandmarkModel: appending landmarks is not currently supported";
      location/qdeclarativelandmarkcategorymodel.cpp:    qWarning() << "LandmarkModel: appending categories is not currently supported";
      multimedia/qdeclarativemediabase.cpp:        qWarning("Audio: volume should be between 0.0 and 1.0");
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizermodel.cpp:            qWarning() << "Can't remove an occurrence item, please modify the parent item's recurrence rule instead!";
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizermodel.cpp:    qWarning() << "OrganizerModel: occurrences is not currently supported.";
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizermodel.cpp:    qWarning() << "OrganizerModel: appending items is not currently supported";
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizerrecurrencerule_p.h:            qWarning() << "Invalid recurrence rule limit value:" << value;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail_p.h:                qWarning() << "I don't known how to set the customized item type name here!";
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail_p.h:        qWarning() << "Unknown organizer item type: " << typeString;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail_p.h:                qWarning() << "Trying to set an invalid percentage value:" << percentage;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << QString("Can't find the detail definition name for detail type '%1'").arg(type);
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << QString("Can't find the detail type for detail name '%1'").arg(definitionName);
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << QString("Can't find the field name for detail type '%1' and field type '%2'").arg(detailType).arg(fieldType);
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      organizer/qdeclarativeorganizeritemdetail.cpp:    qWarning() << "invalid field type:" << type;
      serviceframework/qdeclarativeservice.cpp:        qWarning() << "WARNING: No default service found for interface name: " << interface;




            juvuolle Juha Vuolle (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
            jpetrell Joona Petrell
            0 Vote for this issue
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