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  1. Qt Mobility

MeeGo 1.2 Integration plan



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Done
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 1.2.0
    • Build System



      Qt Mobility 1.2 will be the first release that officially supports MeeGo.com. Qt Mobility team is planning to integrate our 1.2 package to MeeGo 1.2 trunk incrementally starting from week 45. The Bearer Management API is not part of this project as it has been moved to Qt 4.7.

      Main contacts

      • Project manager: Minjung Shin
      • Dev Lead: Alex Blasche
      • Integration engineer: Sunil Thaha

      New contents introduced per Qt Mobility releases

      • 1.0(released in Q2/10): Bearer Management(moved to Qt 4.7), Contacts, Publish & Subscribe, Location, Messaging, Multimedia, Sensors, Service Framework, System Information, Versit(vCard)
      • 1.1(to be released Q4/10): Organizer, Versit(iCal), Camera, Maps & Navigation, Landmarks, Document Gallery, Feedback
      • 1.2(to be released Q1/10): Bluetooth, NFC

      Integration Phase

        MeeGo Phase Mobility integration plan
      Oct/Nov Intrusive Change Phase
      Dec/Jan Feature Development Phase
      Feb/Mar Stabilization Phase
      • week 3, integration of finalized 1.2 APIs and backend implementation to MeeGo 1.2 trunk
      • week 8, Pre-beta level package is integrated
      Apr Release Candidate Phase
      • Weekly integration to the Trunk continues with bug fixes
      • Mid April, integrate Qt Mobility 1.2 final package

      API Dependencies and Status

      Mobility APIs Mobility Maintainer MeeGo.com Platform API MeeGo.com Maintainer Status
      Publish and Subscribe Alex Blasche ContextKit MariusVollmer (Nokia) Done
      Service Framework Alex Blasche D-Bus & Qt Plugins N/A Done
      System Information Lorn Potter Multiple system APIs   Done
      Location Alex Blasche GeoClue/gypsy Ross Burton (Intel) Intel contributed GeoClue based implementation. Legal scan done. Not in TP package but will be part of Beta package.
      Maps/Navigation Alex Blasche OpenStreetMap/Navit   GeoClue in 1.1 has geocoding and reverse-geocoding (position->address and address->position), <br>CloudeMade plugin may be contributed to MeeGo directly. Ovi Maps plugin will be provided.
      Landmarks Alex Blasche tracker/QSPARQL   Done. Supports lmx and qpx formats
      Sensors Don Sanders Nokia Sensor Framework Markus Lehtonen (Nokia) Implemented, To be verified with Sensors FW
      Messaging Don Sanders SMS (QMF/oFono), Email (QMF), MMS(N/A) Email - Tan Miaoqing(Nokia) <br> VoIP&IM - Mikhail Zabaluev(Nokia) SMS part requires reimplementation using new version of libtelepathy. QTMOBILITY-1394
      Document Gallery Andrew den Exter tracker Ivan Frade (Nokia) Done
      Multimedia Justin McPherson GStreamer, PulseAudio Media Framework/Codecs - Stefan Kost (Nokia) <br> Audio - JyriSarha (Nokia) Harmattan backend under QA
      Camera Dmytro Poplavskiy GStreamer camerabin StefanKost (Nokia) Reuse Harmattan camerabin backend plugin. Discussions on camerabin2 on-going
      Organizer Michael Goddard mkcal Tan Miaoqing(Nokia) Done
      Contacts Michael Goddard libqttracker Tan Miaoqing(Nokia) Done
      Versit Michael Goddard N/A   Done
      Feedback Michael Goddard MeeGo Touch Feedback framework Tomas Junnonen(Nokia) Done
      NFC Alex Blasche N/A   No Plan in MeeGo to support NFC, Mobility front-end API will be still integrated
      Bluetooth Alex Blasche BlueZ Johan Hedberg(Nokia) Under development.

      Outstanding Patches that are not part of Mobility source package. Proper merge requests are encouraged.)

      • build_with_QT_NO_KEYWORDS_bmc12935.patch
      • camera_preview_workaround.patch
      • enable_camerabin_with_meego_target.patch
      • enable_xvoverlay_for_qml_camera.patch
      • GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_for_video_texture.patch
      • libva-codec-enable.patch
      • Moorestown_Camera_Support.patch
      • no_rpath.patch
      • opengl-es2-shader-enable.patch
      • revert_QTMOBILITY-614_bmc13087.patch

      Qt Mobility mailing list





            minshin Minjung Shin (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
            minshin Minjung Shin (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
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            4 Start watching this issue

