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  1. Qt Mobility

System Information API





      The System Information API provides a set of APIs to discover system related information and capabilities.

      Supported Functionality - Device Information

      Information Comments
      IMSI code if SIM present and client has permissions, -1 otherwise
      IMEI code if client has permissions, -1 otherwise
      Device model external name n810, n95 for example
      Product name internal product name
      Device manufacturer  
      Battery level as percentage 1 - 100 scale
      Is battery charging  
      SIM status SimNotAvailable, Available, Dual, Locked
      current Device profile silent, normal, loud, vib, offline, powersave, custom
      getInputmethodType OR'd enum: Keys, Keypad, Keyboard, SingleTouch, MultiTouch, Mouse Keys (buttons), Keypad (1,2,3...), Keyboard (qwerty)
      is device locked  
      battery level notification as percentage 0 - 100
      power state change notification  
      Signals [Notifications]
      battery level
      phone profile
      power state (charging status)
      bluetooth state changed

      Supported Functionality - Display Information

      Information Comments
      Display brightness (per screen) in %, 1 - 100 scale
      color depth (per screen) in bits per pixel
      enable/ temporarily disable set Screen-saver (per screen)
      enable/temporarily disable Screen blanking (per screen)
      is screen lock on (per screen)

      Supported Functionality - System Information

      Information Comments
      Current language 2 character ISO 639-1
      Available languages 2 character ISO 639-1 of installed Qt Translations
      Country Code 2 character ISO 3166-1
      getVersion(int type, QString &parameter) <version type>, <optional parameter> see notes below
      hasSupportedFeature returns true for each of: Bluetooth, Camera, FM radio, Ir, Led, Memory card, USB, vib, wlan, sim, location, Video out , Haptics and so on
      Signals {Notifications}

      current Language

      Supported Functionality - Network Information

      Information Comments
      Network signal strength per network mode , 0 - 100 linear scaling
      Network mode GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, WLAN, Ethernet, Bluetooth, WIMAX
      Network status NoNetworkAvailable, EmergencyOnly, Searching, Busy, Connected, HomeNetwork, Denied, Roaming: per network mode
      Network Cell ID
      Network LAC - location area code
      Location enabled  
      MNC Mobile Network Code - home, current
      MCC Mobile Country Code - home, current
      network name string. for wlan - ssid
      MAC address pre mode
      getInterfaceForMode returns 1st QNetworkInterface
      Signals [Notifications]
      network status
      network signal strength
      mobile country code
      mobile network code
      network mode

      Supported Functionality - Storage Information

      Information Comments
      Drive space level per volume total space per disk or volume
      Available drive space level per volume free space per disk or volume
      get list of drive volumes disk names
      get drive type Internal, removable




            lopotter Lorn Potter (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
            minshin Minjung Shin (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
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