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  1. Qt Mobility

QML examples found in Qt Mobility 1.1 should separate their main QML file from other QML files, deployment files and resource files




      Most QML examples in Qt Mobility 1.1 have all of the project files in the project root directory. This makes it difficult for developers to know what QML files they should open with QML Viewer to successfully execute the Qt Mobility QML examples. To make the examples more approachable secondary QML files, deployment files (C++ stub project used to deploy example to a device) and resource files (images) should be moved to subdirectories. The names of the subdirectories doesn't matter that much, though most Qt 4.7 QML examples move secondary QML files to a subdirectory called content and images to a subdirectory called content/images.

      • .h, .cpp, and .pri files that are only needed for the deployment on devices (stub c++ project) are not relevant for showcasing particular QML Mobility APIs, and should be moved to their own subdirectory
      • the main QML file should be the only QML file found in the project root directory (for example declarative-camera example has altogether ten QML files in the project directory)
      • the main QML file should have the same name as the directory it is in (for example System Info battery example is found under battery subdirectory, but called battery-bubble.qml)
      • all runnable, root QML files should be lower-cased
      • all QML examples should come with .qmlproject file to make the importing to Qt Creator easier, Qt 4.7 QML examples already have them


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              wbeck Wolfgang Beck (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
              jpetrell Joona Petrell
              2 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

