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  1. Qt Mobility

Connections problems using QNetworkAccessManager, (Error is "65539 Host not found")



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 1.0.1
    • Bearer Management
    • None
    • X6, Qt 4.6.3 binaries, Nokia Qt SDK Final


      We are encountering a problem regarding the connection stability when using the QNetworkRequest and QNetworkAccessManager APIs on X6 devices using the latest Qt for Nokia SDK Final 1.0.

      Essentially our Qt application will from time to time fail to connect to our server endpoint. The error displayed in the Application output is:

      65539 "Host 'our.server.ip' not found"

      What is strange is that when this occurs the device itself can establish a connection to the same server endpoint using the device browser. Other tests have confirmed that the device itself has no problems connecting to the same or other servers. The server itself has also been confirmed to be up and running fine and not the cause of the problem we are seeing.

      It appears to be a problem that only affects the device when Qt code is being used to make a connection - using for example QNetworkAccessManager::get(). A application written using native Symbian C++ is also able to connect to the same server, even when the Qt application is unable to.

      A reboot appears to be the only way to fix the issue and we havent yet found the cause of this or a workaround for it in Qt code. Running exactly the same code after the reboot allows the application to connect and complete the request to the server.

      Can anyone offer any suggestions or provide any information on the stability of the QNetworkAccessManager etc classes for Symbian when using the Qt 4.6.3 binaries?





            ababic Aleksandar Babic
            jadent JD
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

