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  1. Qt Mobility
  2. QTMOBILITY-2068

QMediaRecorder setOutputLocation only works first time between record|stop|record



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 1.2.2
    • Multimedia


      I am building an application that does the flowing:

      • setup output location (file_0000.mp4)
      • record video.
      • stop recording.
      • setup output location (file_0001.mp4)
      • record video.
      • stop recording.
      • setup output location (file_0002.mp4)
      • record video.
      • stop recording.
        etc, etc

      The first call to QMediaRecorder::setOutputLocation(...) works and the first video chunk saves to the correct place. Subsequent calls to the function do not set the output location correctly. Rather, video is recorded to the 'default' location (e:\Videos\Camera\<date folder structure>

      I am making the call to setOutputLocation upon receiving the QMediaRecorder state change signal to QMediaRecorder::StoppedState, before I start a new recording.

      Here is some logging from my app to show the issue...

      [Qt Message] StartVideoshoot: 1
      [Qt Message] Setting record to: QUrl( "file:///E:/DCIM/OOOHCapture/2012/07/09/17h25m39s.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] setOutputLocation: true
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(1) eReason(0)
      [Qt Message] AppMediaRecorderStateChanged: New state 1
      [Qt Message] Recording to: QUrl( "file:///E:/DCIM/OOOHCapture/2012/07/09/17h25m39s.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(0) eReason(2)
      [Qt Message] AppMediaRecorderStateChanged: New state 0
      [Qt Message] Last recording to: QUrl( "file:///E:/DCIM/OOOHCapture/2012/07/09/17h25m39s.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] Setting record to: QUrl( "file:///E:/DCIM/OOOHCapture/2012/07/09/17h26m01s.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] setOutputLocation: true
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(1) eReason(0)
      [Qt Message] AppMediaRecorderStateChanged: New state 1
      [Qt Message] Recording to: QUrl( "file:///e:/Videos/Camera/201207/201207A0/09072012000.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(0) eReason(2)
      [Qt Message] AppMediaRecorderStateChanged: New state 0
      [Qt Message] Last recording to: QUrl( "file:///e:/Videos/Camera/201207/201207A0/09072012000.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] Setting record to: QUrl( "file:///E:/DCIM/OOOHCapture/2012/07/09/17h26m22s.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] setOutputLocation: true
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(1) eReason(0)
      [Qt Message] AppMediaRecorderStateChanged: New state 1
      [Qt Message] Recording to: QUrl( "file:///e:/Videos/Camera/201207/201207A0/09072012001.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(0) eReason(2)
      [Qt Message] AppMediaRecorderStateChanged: New state 0
      [Qt Message] Last recording to: QUrl( "file:///e:/Videos/Camera/201207/201207A0/09072012001.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] Setting record to: QUrl( "file:///E:/DCIM/OOOHCapture/2012/07/09/17h26m45s.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] setOutputLocation: true
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(1) eReason(0)
      [Qt Message] AppMediaRecorderStateChanged: New state 1
      [Qt Message] Recording to: QUrl( "file:///e:/Videos/Camera/201207/201207A0/09072012002.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(0) eReason(2)
      [Qt Message] AppMediaRecorderStateChanged: New state 0
      [Qt Message] Last recording to: QUrl( "file:///e:/Videos/Camera/201207/201207A0/09072012002.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] Setting record to: QUrl( "file:///E:/DCIM/OOOHCapture/2012/07/09/17h27m06s.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] setOutputLocation: true
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(1) eReason(0)
      [Qt Message] AppMediaRecorderStateChanged: New state 1
      [Qt Message] Recording to: QUrl( "file:///e:/Videos/Camera/201207/201207A0/09072012003.mp4" )
      [Qt Message] lockStatusChanged: eStatus(0) eReason(2)

      During this run, file (E:/DCIM/OOOHCapture/2012/07/09/17h25m39s.mp4) was created...the rest of the video files captured were (e:/Videos/Camera/201207/201207A0/09072012002.mp4 ...etc)




            lehtola Ari Lehtola
            steuk Ste Butcher
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