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  1. Qt Mobility
  2. QTMOBILITY-1881

Camera QML component crash on Harmattan



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • 1.2.x
    • 1.1.2
    • Multimedia
    • None
    • Nokia N950 with 1.2011.34-2_PR_RM680 firmware.
    • a1ba3f34f54362c8d0b092d0bb71dd17b3a8d0d4 066917942ce1e04d58941dd1d7c6c9a20cc5bf5a


      Camera QML element from QtMobility package leads to application crash when application was sent to background. In the following test case:

      import QtQuick 1.0
      import QtMultimediaKit 1.1
      import com.nokia.meego 1.0
      Window {
          id: mainWindow
          Rectangle {
              id:           backgroundRectangle
              anchors.fill: parent
              color:        "black"
              Camera {
                  id:                camera
                  anchors.centerIn:  parent
                  width:             480
                  height:            360
                  captureResolution: "480x360"
              Button {
                  id:             startButton
                  anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                  anchors.left:   parent.left
                  width:          128
                  text:           "Start"
                  onClicked: {
              Button {
                  id:             stopButton
                  anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                  anchors.right:  parent.right
                  width:          128
                  text:           "Stop"
                  onClicked: {

      the following behaviour is observed:

      1. When I start this app, camera preview video appears on the screen. If I swipe application to background without pressing "Stop" button, I have application crash with the following lines in application output:

      Using the meego graphics system
      Successfully resolved MeeGo graphics system: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/graphicssystems/libqmeegographicssystem.so 
      Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame 
      Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage 
      MeegoGraphics: found EGL_NOK_image_shared
      MeegoGraphics: found EGL_KHR_lock_surface2
      MeegoGraphics: found EGL_KHR_fence_sync
      hijackWindow() context created for QmlApplicationViewer(0xaebe7ad4) 1 
      Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame 
      Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage 
      QGLWindowSurface: Using plain widget as window surface QGLWindowSurface(0x299948) 
      hijackWindow() context created for QWidget(0x4d100) 2 
      QGLWindowSurface: Flushing to native child widget, may lead to significant performance loss 
      Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame 
      Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage 
      QGLWindowSurface: Flushing to native child widget, may lead to significant performance loss 
      libomap3camd 1.114
      libomap3camd 1.114
      libomap3camd 1.114
      Meego graphics system destroyed
      Illegal instruction

      2. If I press "Stop" button first and then swipe application to background, it doesn't crash. However, if I then push it to foreground and press "Start" button, it crashes immediately like this:

      Using the meego graphics system
      Successfully resolved MeeGo graphics system: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/graphicssystems/libqmeegographicssystem.so 
      Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame 
      Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage 
      MeegoGraphics: found EGL_NOK_image_shared
      MeegoGraphics: found EGL_KHR_lock_surface2
      MeegoGraphics: found EGL_KHR_fence_sync
      hijackWindow() context created for QmlApplicationViewer(0xaed90ad4) 1 
      Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame 
      Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage 
      QGLWindowSurface: Using plain widget as window surface QGLWindowSurface(0x299768) 
      hijackWindow() context created for QWidget(0x4d100) 2 
      QGLWindowSurface: Flushing to native child widget, may lead to significant performance loss 
      Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame 
      Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage 
      QGLWindowSurface: Flushing to native child widget, may lead to significant performance loss 
      libomap3camd 1.114
      libomap3camd 1.114
      libomap3camd 1.114
      Meego graphics system destroyed
      Using the meego graphics system
      Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame 
      Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage 
      hijackWindow() context created for QmlApplicationViewer(0xaed90ad4) 1 
      Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame 
      Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage 
      QGLWindowSurface: Using plain widget as window surface QGLWindowSurface(0x5e4408) 
      hijackWindow() context created for QWidget(0x4d100) 2 
      QGLWindowSurface: Flushing to native child widget, may lead to significant performance loss 
      Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame 
      Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage 
      Segmentation fault




            mgoddard Michael Goddard (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
            oleg_derevenetz Oleg Derevenetz
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

