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  1. Qt Mobility
  2. QTMOBILITY-1292

Operator name/QSystemNetworkInfo::networkName() on Symbian not always correct



    • e8d6fae88524e04dd8b8fa75aecdc964e5c107af, 86d33d889f7b21d29e8877eac884a88b54426a74


      The QSystemNetworkInfo::networkName API can not be used as it is. For some operators it will return empty string, for some operators wrong (unacceptable) string, and for some operators corrupted string. The API needs refactoring according to legacy requirement, listed below:

      1. Service Provider Name
      Note: Display of the PLMN Name is an operator's option by setting the appropriate Elementary File fields in the USIM. I.e. the Service Provider name shall be displayed either in parallel to the PLMN Name or instead of the PLMN Name and thus it may take the second priority on this list.
      2. Network Operator Name (CPHS-ONS)
      3. Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ)
      4. If a Unicode version of operator name is available and it can be shown on the display, it is used as the operator indicator.
      5. If a Latin letter version of operator name is available, it is used as the operator indicator.
      6. If a Unicode version of country name is available and it can be shown on the display, the operator indicator consists of Unicode country name and the Mobile network code, while MNC is shown as digits.
      7. If a Latin letter version of country name is available, the operator indicator consists of Latin letter country name and the Mobile network code, while MNC is shown as digits.
      8. MCC/MCN

      • Technical details:

      The described algorithm is already implemented in CommonTSY, and is available through CustomAPI.
      The requirement may be implemented either by extending internal functionality of the QtMobility component and duplicating the algorithm, or by accessing CommonTSY through CustomAPI in Etel.




            cristiano cristiano di flora
            minshin Minjung Shin (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
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