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  1. Qt Mobility
  2. QTMOBILITY-1182

Image Recognition API




      FR Use Cases are defined in the attachment FRUseCasesv1.0.xlsx at the algorithm level. This has been agreed with both Symbian and Meego.

      These API's will provide ways to detect and recognize faces in still images. They will consist of the following classes:

      1) QFaceProcessor:
      QFaceProcessor provides functions which can be used to detect
      and recognize faces in an image. This image can be passed as a file Url or a QImage. Snippet of the API's present in this class are:
      a) detectFaces: To detect faces in an image
      b) recognizeFaces: To recognize faces in an image
      c) faceGroups: Returns a QAbstractItemModel containing data about all the people present in the database.
      d) faceSources: Returns a QAbstractItemModel containing data about a single person present in the database.

      2) QFaceRegion:
      QFaceRegion class contains the details of a face identified in a file/image. In other words, it contains the information passed from the FR solution to the application. Snippet of the API's present in this class are:
      a) sourceUrl: The url of the file from which the face is recognized.
      b) sourceImage: The source image from which the face is recognized.
      c) faceRect: The coordinates of the face.
      d) setFaceId: Method to name a unknown face.
      e) faceIds: A List of faceIds, which are close to the given face.
      f) isConfirmed: Whether it is a confirmed face or not. If it is a confirmed face, faceIds will give only a single entry of the
      confirmed face id.

      3) QFaceId
      QFaceId represents id associated with a face. It can contain a QContactId, a name string provided by the user or a name string generated by the algorithm. Snippet of the API's present in this class are:
      a) contactId: Returns the QContactId associated with the face.
      b) faceTag: returns free formatted user defined name.
      c) isUnknown: Whether it is an unknown face. In case it is an unknown, faceTag provided is algorithm generated.
      d) isContact: Whether it is a contact. If it is a contact, then only use contactId API.

      Original requirement: https://qtrequirements.europe.nokia.com/browse/MOBILITY-1324




            pranmish Pranav Mishra
            minshin Minjung Shin (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
            9 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue

