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  1. Qt for MCUs
  2. QTMCU-145

Code snippet in AnchorChanges is wrong



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • Qt for MCUs 2.3.1
    • Documentation
    • None
    • All


      The original snippet uses AnchorChanges for changing margins, which the page itself says not possible. In fact, it doesn't work when pasted to the Qt Creator and run.

      link : https://doc.qt.io/QtForMCUs-2.4/qml-qtquick-anchorchanges.html#details


      import QtQuick 2.15
      Rectangle {
          id: window
          width: 120; height: 120
          color: "black"
          Rectangle { id: anchorRectStart; x: 60; y: 60; height: 60; width: 60; color: "yellow"}
          Rectangle { id: anchorRectEnd; x: 0; y: 0; height: 60; width: 60; color: "blue"}
          Rectangle { id: myRect; color: "red"
              anchors {
                  top: anchorRectStart.top
                  bottom: anchorRectStart.bottom
                  left: anchorRectStart.left
                  right: anchorRectStart.right
                  topMargin: 10
                  bottomMargin: 10
                  leftMargin: 10
                  rightMargin: 10
          states: State {
              name: "reanchored"
              AnchorChanges {
                  target: myRect
                  anchors {
                      top: anchorRectEnd.top
                      bottom: anchorRectEnd.bottom
                      left: anchorRectEnd.left
                      right: anchorRectEnd.right
                      topMargin: 20
                      bottomMargin: 20
                      leftMargin: 20
                      rightMargin: 20
          MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: window.state = "reanchored" }

      The code should be like this. This code worked as intended.

      import QtQuick 2.15
      Rectangle {
          id: window
          width: 120; height: 120
          color: "black"    
          Rectangle { id: anchorRectStart; x: 60; y: 60; height: 60; width: 60; color: "yellow"}
          Rectangle { id: anchorRectEnd; x: 0; y: 0; height: 60; width: 60; color: "blue"}  
          Rectangle { 
              id: myRect; color: "red"
              anchors {
                  top: anchorRectStart.top
                  bottom: anchorRectStart.bottom
                  left: anchorRectStart.left
                  right: anchorRectStart.right
                  topMargin: 10
                  bottomMargin: 10
                  leftMargin: 10
                  rightMargin: 10
          states: State {
              name: "reanchored"
              AnchorChanges {
                  target: myRect
                  anchors {
                      top: anchorRectEnd.top
                      bottom: anchorRectEnd.bottom
                      left: anchorRectEnd.left
                      right: anchorRectEnd.right
              PropertyChanges {
                  target: myRect
                  anchors {
                      topMargin: 20
                      bottomMargin: 20
                      leftMargin: 20
                      rightMargin: 20
          MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: window.state = "reanchored" }




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            mikio_hirai Mikio Hirai
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