Uploaded image for project: 'Qt Installer Framework'
  1. Qt Installer Framework
  2. QTIFW-3013

Uninstaller error - Error during removal process



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 4.6.0
    • General
    • Qt Installer Sprint 78


      Running suites/ifw/suite_functional_testing/tst_expired_accounts

      Uninstall command:

      ./MaintenanceTool, --script, /home/iikka/RTA/uninstall_all.qs, --logging-rules, ifw.installer.installlog=true, --verbose 

      Uninstall log:

      IFW Version: 4.5.2, built with Qt 5.15.11.
      Build date: Feb 22 2023
      Installer Framework SHA1: 11b047c49f383bdaad9495d95548919631825452
      [0] Arguments: ./MaintenanceTool, --script, /home/iikka/RTA/uninstall_all.qs, --logging-rules, ifw.installer.installlog=true, --verbose
      [5] Operations sanity check succeeded.
      [7] Using metadata cache from "/home/iikka/.cache/qt-unified-linux-online"
      [7] Found 3333 cached items.
      [7] Reading Qt Account settings from disk: "/home/iikka/.local/share/Qt/qtaccount.ini"
      [7] Reading licenses from file: "/home/iikka/.local/share/Qt/qtlicenses.ini"
      [7] License added. License id [ 2513707 ] License schema [ "Full Commercial" ] Licensed products [ "Enterprise" ] Licensed platforms [ ("X11", "Embedded Linux", "Windows", "Mac", "Embedded Windows", "Android", "QNX", "VxWorks", "INTEGRITY", "iOS", "WinRT", "Embedded Android") ] License expiry date [ QDate("2022-06-21") ]
      [7] License added. License id [ 2537891 ] License schema [ "Full Commercial" ] Licensed products [ "Enterprise" ] Licensed platforms [ ("X11", "Windows", "Mac") ] License expiry date [ QDate("2015-01-01") ]
      [7] Valid licenses found: 2
      [7] Enterprise QtAccount information:
      [7] Login completed: false
      [7] Email: "rta.test22@theqtcompany.com"
      [7] Total number of licenses: 2
      [7] Account type: 0
      [7] Language: en-US
      [50] Loaded control script "/home/iikka/RTA/uninstall_all.qs"
      [50] Using control script: "/home/iikka/RTA/uninstall_all.qs"
      [58] Critical: ReferenceError: networkError is not defined
      [475] Warning: No QtAccount credentials found. Please login via the maintenance tool of the SDK.
      [512] Warning: No QtAccount credentials found. Please login via the maintenance tool of the SDK.
      [512] undo operation= "MinimumProgress"
      [514] undo operation= "CreateDesktopEntry"
      [514] undo qt.tools.maintenance operation: CreateDesktopEntry
      [514]   - arguments: Qt-MaintenanceTool.desktop, Type=Application
      Name=Qt Maintenance Tool
      GenericName=Install or uninstall Qt components.
      [514] Done
      [516] undo operation= "InstallIcons"
      [516] undo qt.tools.maintenance operation: InstallIcons
      [516]   - arguments: /home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0/icons
      [522] Done
      [522] undo operation= "Extract"
      [522] undo qt.tools.maintenance operation: Extract
      [522]   - arguments: installer://qt.tools.maintenance/4.5.2-0-202303010824installer-resource.7z, /home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0
      [522] Done
      [523] undo operation= "Extract"
      [524] undo qt.tools.maintenance operation: Extract
      [524]   - arguments: installer://qt.tools.maintenance/4.5.2-0-202303010824installer-changelog.7z, /home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0
      [524] Done
      [524] undo operation= "Extract"
      [525] undo qt.tools.maintenance operation: Extract
      [525]   - arguments: installer://qt.tools.maintenance/4.5.2-0-202303010824QtIcon.7z, /home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0
      [525] Done
      [525] undo operation= "Extract"
      [525] undo qt.tools.maintenance operation: Extract
      [526]   - arguments: installer://qt.tools.maintenance/4.5.2-0-202303010824tqtc-installer-framework-Linux-RHEL_7_6-GCC-Linux-RHEL_7_6-X86_64-QtInstaller.7z, /home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0
      [526] Done
      [526] undo operation= "MinimumProgress"
      [527] undo operation= "License"
      [527] undo qt.license.enterprise operation: License
      [527]   - arguments: /home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0/Licenses
      [527] Done
      [527] installationErrorWithIgnore : Installer Error : Error during removal process:
      No license files found to delete. Retry|Ignore
      [527] Automatic answer for "installationErrorWithIgnore": "Ignore"
      [527] undo operation= "MinimumProgress"
      [527] undo operation= "MinimumProgress"
      [528] undo operation= "MinimumProgress"
      [528] undo operation= "Settings"
      [528] undo qt.tools.qtcreator operation: Settings
      [528]   - arguments: path=/home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0//Tools/sdktool/share/qtcreator/QtProject/QtCreator.ini, method=add_array_value, key=Plugins/ForceEnabled, value=UpdateInfo
      [531] Done
      [531] undo operation= "Settings"
      [531] undo qt.tools.qtcreator operation: Settings
      [531]   - arguments: path=/home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0//Tools/sdktool/share/qtcreator/QtProject/QtCreator.ini, method=set, key=Updater/MaintenanceTool, value=/home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0/MaintenanceTool
      [532] Done
      [532] undo operation= "Extract"
      [532] undo qt.tools.qtcreator operation: Extract
      [532]   - arguments: installer://qt.tools.qtcreator/9.0.2-0-202302220016qtcreator_sdktool.7z, /home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0
      [533] Done
      [533] undo operation= "Mkdir"
      [533] undo  operation: Mkdir
      [533]   - arguments: /home/iikka/RTA/QtIFW_4.6.0
      [533] Done
      [534] Complete uninstallation was chosen.
      [534] Removal completed successfully. 

      [527] installationErrorWithIgnore : Installer Error : Error during removal process: No license files found to delete. Retry|Ignore




            installerteam Installer Team
            iikkak Iikka Konola
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

