Uploaded image for project: 'Qt Installer Framework'
  1. Qt Installer Framework
  2. QTIFW-3011

Strong encryption solution example request




      User has been looking for strong encryption solution example.

      He did have found https://wiki.qt.io/Simple_encryption_with_SimpleCrypt but it was not what he needs.

      His request:


      It would be great to have a qt example doing private/public key creation along with routines for encryption and decryption, that is ok to be included in a commercial app. The open-source Qt-Secret project is beyond what I need, but I included source for a test client using Qt-Secret doing the key pair operations I'm after and would guess others would too.

      The end game is a qt IFW online installer that requires username/password authentication, a basic example of that would be awesome without password being in clear text, but I understand if that is asking too much. In my case, if a customer’s subscription is active (the installer would query against an online database) the installer continues. If there are somewhat standard ways to accomplish this securely/properly, any recommendations/direction would be appreciated, especially w/r/t making a user’s password persistent on their local hard drive in an acceptable, secure way and or ways or to obfuscate a public key in an app for app identity (if necessary). This might also be accomplished (easier?) by the installer requiring an access token, generated by the user on the online database, to ensure user identity (and of course limit the exposure of the online database query as appropriate).

      Put another way, the IFW excels when the online repository is open (so awesome!), and I'm after any acceptable, relatively secure way to have IFW require authentication.

      Thanks for considering this.





            installerteam Installer Team
            tero.pelkonen Tero Pelkonen
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

