Uploaded image for project: 'Qt Installer Framework'
  1. Qt Installer Framework
  2. QTIFW-2347

Qt online installer failed with Fatal: Exception thrown: std::exception



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P1: Critical
    • 4.2.0
    • 4.1.1
    • General
    • Linux/X11
    • Qt Installer Sprint 41


      Recently upgraded my system Xubuntu 19.10 to 20.04 . When I tried to install qt using online installer it throws this error : [550045] Fatal: Exception thrown: std::exception . I also tried with offline installer , still same problem . Then I tried to install only qt creator using this command

      ./qt-unified-linux-x64-3.2.3-online.run --verbose --no-force-installations . Still facing same problem, Here is terminal output:

      [41530] Url is: "/tmp/remoterepo-bhRofa"
      [41530] addDownloadable "qtnetworkauth-documentation.7z"
      [41530] Url is: "/tmp/remoterepo-JYAxNe"
      [41530] addDownloadable "qtdatavis3d-Linux-RHEL_7_4-Clang-Android-Android_ANY-ARMv7.7z"
      [41530] addDownloadable "qtpurchasing-Linux-RHEL_7_4-Clang-Android-Android_ANY-X86.7z"
      [41530] Url is: "/tmp/remoterepo-aIBgqj"
      [41530] addDownloadable "qtpurchasing-Linux-RHEL_7_6-Clang-Android-Android_ANY-ARM64.7z"
      [41703] Warning: Component qt.qt5.5150 depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [41713] Warning: Component qt.installer.changelog auto depends on component qt which has children components. This will not work properly.
      [41757] Warning: Component qt.qt5.5123 depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [41760] Warning: Component qt.qt5.5122 depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [41765] Warning: Component qt depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [41766] Warning: Other components depend on component qt.tools which has child components. This will not work properly.
      [41785] Warning: Component qt.qt5.5125 depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [41797] Warning: Component qt.qt5.5124 depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [41803] Warning: Component qt.qt5.599 depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [41805] Warning: Component qt.qt5.5142 depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [41817] Warning: Component qt.qt5.5129 depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [41830] Warning: Component qt.tools.qt3dstudioopenglruntime.5128.examples auto depends on component qt.tools.qt3dstudioopenglruntime.5128 which has children components. This will not work properly.
      [41852] Warning: Component qt.qt5.5132 depends on other components while having child components. This will not work properly.
      [101517] Installation space required: "921.48 MB" Temporary space required: "429.55 MB" Local repository size: "0.00 bytes"
      [101518] Tmp is on a different volume than the installation directory. Tmp volume mount point: "/tmp" Free space available: "3.56 GB" Install volume mount point: "/home" Free space available: "55.31 GB"
      [102659] Saving uuid for: "areose21@gmail.com"
      [102659] backup operation: Mkdir
      [102659] - arguments: /home/prism/Qt
      [102660] Done
      [102660] perform operation: Mkdir
      [102660] - arguments: /home/prism/Qt
      [102661] Done
      [102661] Install size: 7 components
      [527112] Using host: "ftp.jaist.ac.jp" for "4.12.3-0qtcreator.7z"
      IP: ("", "2001:df0:2ed:feed::feed")
      [530567] Using host: "ftp.jaist.ac.jp" for "4.12.3-0qtcreator_sdktool.7z"
      IP: ("", "2001:df0:2ed:feed::feed")
      [531810] Using host: "ftp.jaist.ac.jp" for "1.0.0ThirdPartySoftware_Listing.7z"
      IP: ("", "2001:df0:2ed:feed::feed")
      [533967] Using host: "ftp.jaist.ac.jp" for "1.0.0fdl_license.7z"
      IP: ("", "2001:df0:2ed:feed::feed")
      [534753] Using host: "download.qt.io" for "1.0.2installer-changelog.7z"
      IP: ("")
      [536755] Using host: "ftp.jaist.ac.jp" for "4.12.3-0-202006170838telemetry.7z"
      IP: ("", "2001:df0:2ed:feed::feed")
      [536770] backup qt.tools.qtcreator operation: Extract
      [536770] - arguments: installer://qt.tools.qtcreator/4.12.3-0qtcreator.7z, /home/prism/Qt
      [536770] Done
      [536770] perform qt.tools.qtcreator operation: Extract
      [536770] - arguments: installer://qt.tools.qtcreator/4.12.3-0qtcreator.7z, /home/prism/Qt
      [549905] Done
      [549905] backup qt.tools.qtcreator operation: Extract
      [549905] - arguments: installer://qt.tools.qtcreator/4.12.3-0qtcreator_sdktool.7z, /home/prism/Qt
      [549905] Done
      [549905] perform qt.tools.qtcreator operation: Extract
      [549905] - arguments: installer://qt.tools.qtcreator/4.12.3-0qtcreator_sdktool.7z, /home/prism/Qt
      [550044] Done
      [550044] backup qt.tools.qtcreator operation: InstallIcons
      [550044] - arguments: /home/prism/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/icons
      [550044] Done
      [550044] perform qt.tools.qtcreator operation: InstallIcons
      [550044] - arguments: /home/prism/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/icons
      [550045] Done
      [550045] Fatal: Exception thrown: std::exception
      Exception thrown: std::exception
      [1] 10233 abort (core dumped) ./qt-unified-linux-x64-3.2.3-online.run --verbose --no-force-installations


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              arttu.tarkiainen Arttu Tarkiainen
              pyprism Ashutosh Das
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

