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  1. Qt Installer Framework
  2. QTIFW-1728

Selecting components to install from within a script.



    • Windows


      This might be somewhat related to QTIFW-714 and QTIFW-306.

      I have the use-case of wanting to automatically select (virtual/hidden) components to install, depending on a few custom dynamic ui pages.

      To elaborate, our application has some optional integration into three different applications. Each of these applications has multiple versions, which we want to be able to select on the custom ui pages.

      Each of our components has some separate files, which are already nicely structured in a separate folder for each version.

      The simple way would now be, to for each of our components create child components for each version of the external applications.

      However, displaying this like that in the component selection page, would be very cluttered and inconvenient for our customers to select. Therefore, it would be nice, to let a script select these child components automatically, depending on the mentioned ui pages.

      The only workaround I can think of, is to customize the createOperations method, and basically handle the whole dependency management myself. This has further problems though:

      • Since almost all components must be ForceInstalled to handle the dependencies myself, it will show a far bigger size requirement at the end of the installer.
      • Getting the maintenancetool and updates integrated, is likely not going to be easy, if at all possible.

      I really hope, that I'm just overlooking something fundamental, and that there is actually a reasonable way to do what I am trying to achieve.

      If I am not overlooking anything, the simplest way would likely be the title of this ticket: Allowing for scripts to select and deselect components, which currently does not seem to work, which also seems to have its reasons, as mentioned in the comments of QTIFW-306.




            installerteam Installer Team
            possseidon Dominik Vogel
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

