Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 2.2.0-beta, Qt Creator 3.1.0-beta
Windows XP SP3
Windows 7 64 bit
1. Create a project. (Qt Quick Project>Qt Quick Application. Mark the Desktop, and others are default)
2. Go to 'Edit' view. Put cursor to the 'Text' key word > some info note popup with F1 button at up-right corner > Press F1 on keyboard.
(Please see attachment 'F1 pop up.JPG')
3. Press F1 again.
Actual result:
'No documentation available' shows.
Please see attachment file-'No doc.JPG'.
Expect result:
'No documentation available' should not shows when press F1 button second time.
Issue Links
- relates to
QTCREATORBUG-5345 Context help shows help for the focus widget even if the editor's help tool tip is shown
- Closed
QTCREATORBUG-2326 Focus goes to help pane after pressing F1 even when it should not
- Closed
- replaces
QTCREATORBUG-4807 Editing mode - To press F1 twice for a 'highlighted' (and valid) method result in no documentation available
- Closed