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  1. Qt Creator

Error when including a Web View in QML app with Qt Creator 2.2 beta



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P1: Critical
    • Qt Creator 2.2.0
    • Qt Creator 2.2.0-beta
    • Windows 7 32 bit, Qt SDK 1.1 internal pre-RC1 (1. April 2011), Qt Creator 2.2 Beta 2.1.81 (Mar 24 2011)


      First of all: with Qt Creator 2.1, everything was working fine. Below steps with Qt Creator 2.2. Have been re-installing the whole environment (Qt SDK, Qt Creator 2.2) but still same behavior. Maybe encountered multiple bugs in the process described above, but could all be related as well, therefore only created 1 report.

      • Create a new Qt Quick Application, switch to Designer View.
      • Drag & drop WebView QML component to the screen ->
        Error message:
        "Type dump of C++ plugin failed. First 10 lines of errors: Usage: qmldump [plugin/import/path plugin.uri] Check 'General Messages' output pane for details"
      • General Messages output pane contains:
        "Type dump of QML plugin in C:/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/mingw/imports/QtWebKit failed.
        Usage: qmldump [plugin/import/path plugin.uri] "
      • Same issue when switching to other targets (Windows, Symbian) - but always same error message specifying the "Simulator" directory.


      • Not sure if related to the error above, but no idea what else to try: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-snapshot/creator-debugging-qml.html
        (hope that hidden process this isn't needed with the final version, as there is really no indication in the IDE to do this. Why doesn't Qt Creator build that automatically when it's usually needed anyway?).
      • Compile the QML debugging library for Windows (MinGW 4.4) and enable the checkbox. No issues, but still can't use the Web View.
      • Switch to Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian^3 Debug configuration. Click on "Compile..." for QML debugging library. "Building" progress bar is active on the left. After some time it's finished, but Qt Creator still says "Library not available". No output written to "Compile Output" or "General Messages" pane - how to find out what went wrong?
      • Tools -> Options -> Qt4 -> Click on Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian^3 (Qt SDK): no issues visible here and all paths set (qmake: c:\qtsdk\symbian\sdks\symbian3qt473\bin\qmake.exe, S60 SDK: C:\QtSDK\Symbian\SDKs\Symbian3Qt473\, SBS v2: C:\QtSDK\Symbian\tools\sbs\bin)
        But: in "General Messages" pane the following line appears: "c:/qtsdk/symbian/sdks/symbian3qt473/mkspecs/symbian-sbsv2/qmake.conf(8): 'option' is not a recognized test function".
        Same happens for Symbian^1 Qt 4.7.3 configuration.


      • Open the same project in Qt Creator 2.1 - the webkit plug-in is found and no error in the designer!
        But now get the error when compiling for Windows:
        "Could not find make command: mingw32-make.exe in the build environment
        Error while building project CreatorTest4 (target: Desktop)
        When executing build step 'Make'"
        -> And indeed, the MinGW directory for the desktop config is now empty - did Qt Creator 2.2 change the setting file so that 2.1 is messed up now? Set the MinGW directory again manually, compile and works fine for Windows.
      • On Symbian, Qt Creator 2.1 now no longer has the CSL/GCCE directory set (was set before using 2.2!). Setting the path manually to "C:\QtSDK\Symbian\tools\gcce4\bin" and compiling still leads to the following error:
        "sbs: error: Unknown build variant 'gcce3_4_3'
        sbs: error: No build configurations given
        C:\QtSDK\Symbian\SDKs\Symbian3Qt473\epoc32\tools\make.exe: *** [debug-gcce] Error 1
        The process "C:\QtSDK\Symbian\SDKs\Symbian3Qt473\epoc32\tools\make.exe" exited with code 2.
        Error while building project CreatorTest4 (target: Symbian Device)
        When executing build step 'Make'"

      Log file is attached. Was able to fix this by manually deleting all files and the .pro user and able to compile the same project for S^3 with Qt Creator 2.1 then.

      • Close Creator 2.1 and open 2.2 again - create a brand new Qt Quick project -> now getting the gcce3_4_3 error with Creator 2.2. But: there is no text box to set the CSL/GCCE directory in the Qt Creator 2.2 settings page, so can't fix the issue.


        1. Makefile.2011-04-05-21-58-29.03-9968.log
          8 kB
          Andreas Jakl (closed Nokia identity)



            kkohne Kai Köhne
            ajakl Andreas Jakl (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
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