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  1. Qt Creator

QtCreator Crash after open Designer



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • Qt Creator 9.0.1
    • Quick Designer
    • None
    • ubuntu 22.10 on vmware
      CPU: core i7 12700k
      GPU: 3060Ti


      hello guys!
      i updated Qt 5.15.1 to 6.4.1 (GCC 10.3.1) and The host in Ubuntu on virtual Machine VMwarePro 17
      so... every thing seems ok until when i wanna to use ListElement under ListModel componnet
      i run qt with terminal and i created a simple qtquick project As below :

      import QtQuick
       width: 600
       height: 400
      ListModel{ ListElement { name: "Apple" cost: 2.45 }}
      and when i clicked on Design mode button(Ctrl+4) ,Qt Creator will be crash and close and i got this messages in terminal for debug:
      {{addOverrideAction /Switch to <b>Welcome</b> mode: Action /Switch to <b>Welcome</b> mode is already registered for context Global Context.
      Info: creating stash file /home/milad/build-TestDesigner-Desktop_Qt_6_4_1_GCC_64bit-Debug/.qmake.stash
      file:///home/milad/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/propertyEditorQmlSources/imports/StudioControls/MenuItem.qml:68:9: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null
      file:///home/milad/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/materialBrowserQmlSource/MaterialBundleContextMenu.qml:69: TypeError: Cannot read property 'bundleMaterialImported' of nullSegmentation fault (core dumped)}}
      after that i tried so many ways for fix it , but didn't work
      i did reinstalled the ubuntu22.04, qt 6.0.0 , qt 6.2 , qt 6.4 ... and so on...
      i installed qt5 and qt6 dependencies
      i updated everything that imagine
      NOTHING HAPPENDED and still i have the same problem with designer on listelement
      but when i remove the ListElement like below:
      import QtQuick
       width: 600
      height: 400
       ListModel { }
      and when i click on design button on QtCreator everything work fine again!!!!! why?!
      for be sure i edited this file:
      file:///home/milad/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/materialBrowserQmlSource/MaterialBundleContextMenu.qml:69: TypeError: Cannot read property 'bundleMaterialImported' of null
      and changed the bundleMaterialImported from null to 0 , error message disappeared but i have the same problem and the qt crash and exit immediately after open design menu
      i need HELP guys i am broken right now and i haven't any idea for fixing that!
      QT company please dont update the version When having bugs.
      sorry for bad english too guys!


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              thohartm Thomas Hartmann
              miladloveboth2014 miladloveboth2014
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