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Qt Creator 8.0.2
The about screen of the KDE settings page has the following versions:
KDE Plasma-version: 5.26.2
Versie van KDE-Frameworks: 5.99.0
Qt-version: 5.15.6
Kernel-version: 6.0.6-11
My project is built using Qt 5.15.10 LTS, installed via the commercial installer.
$ qtcreator -version
Qt Creator 8.0.2 based on Qt 6.4.0
Android 8.0.2 Support for deployment to and execution on Android Devices.
AutoTest 8.0.2 Auto Test plugin.
AutotoolsProjectManager 8.0.2 Autotools project integration.
BareMetal 8.0.2 This plugin adds a target for bare metal development.
Bazaar 8.0.2 Bazaar integration.
Beautifier 8.0.2 Format source files with the help of beautifiers like AStyle, uncrustify or clang-format.
BinEditor 8.0.2 Binary editor component.
Bookmarks 8.0.2 Bookmarks in text editors.
Boot2Qt 8.0.2 Support for the Boot2Qt Device access using the Qt Debug Bridge.
CMakeProjectManager 8.0.2 CMake support.
CVS 8.0.2 CVS integration.
ClangCodeModel 8.0.2 Clang Code Model plugin.
ClangFormat 8.0.2 clang-format indentation plugin.
ClangTools 8.0.2 ClangTools Plugin.
ClassView 8.0.2 Class View component.
ClearCase 8.0.2 ClearCase integration.
Coco 8.0.2 Squish Coco support. Squish Coco is a code coverage tool for Tcl, QML, C# and C/C++.
CodePaster 8.0.2 Codepaster plugin for pushing/fetching diff from server.
CompilationDatabaseProjectManager 8.0.2 Compilation Database project support.
Conan 8.0.2 Conan integration.
Core 8.0.2 The core plugin for the Qt IDE.
CppEditor 8.0.2 C/C++ editor component.
Cppcheck 8.0.2 Cppcheck static analyzer tool integration. See
CtfVisualizer 8.0.2 Chrome Trace Format Visualizer Plugin.
Debugger 8.0.2 Debugger integration.
Designer 8.0.2 Qt Designer integration.
DiffEditor 8.0.2 Diff editor component.
Docker 8.0.2 Basic support for Docker
EmacsKeys 8.0.2 The main idea behind this plugin is to provide additional actions a typical emacs user would expect. It doesn't claim to provide full emacs emulation. The following actions are available:
- Movement [C-f, C-b, C-n, C-p, M-f, M-b, C-a, C-e, M-<, M->]
- Mark-based selection [C-SPC, C-x C-x]
- Cut/copy/yank (doesn't provide kill ring feature) [M-w, C-w, C-y]
- Kill actions, which interact properly with clipboard [C-k, M-d, C-d]
- Scrolling (half of the screen, keeps cursor visible) [C-v, M-v]
- Insert new line and indent [C-j]
IMPORTANT: Actions are not bound to any key combinations by default. You can find them under 'EmacsKeys' section in keyboard shortcuts settings.
Also it's worth mentioning that EmacsKeys plugin forces disabling of menu mnemonics by calling Qt's qt_set_sequence_auto_mnemonic function with false argument. Many of the english menu mnemonics get into the way of typical emacs keys, this includes: Alt+F (File), Alt+B (Build), Alt+W (Window). It's a temporary solution, it remains until there is a better one.
FakeVim 8.0.2 VI-style keyboard navigation.
GLSLEditor 8.0.2 Editor for GLSL.
GenericProjectManager 8.0.2 Generic support.
Git 8.0.2 Git integration.
GitLab 8.0.2 GitLab plugin.
HelloWorld 8.0.2 Hello World sample plugin.
Help 8.0.2 Help system.
ImageViewer 8.0.2 Image Viewer component.
IncrediBuild 8.0.2 Support for Incredibuild.
Ios 8.0.2 Support for deployment to and execution on iOS Devices.
LanguageClient 8.0.2 Language Server Protocol client component. See for an overview on Language Servers.
Macros 8.0.2 Macros in text editors.
Marketplace 8.0.2 Qt Marketplace plugin.
McuSupport 8.0.2 Helper for MCU related projects.
Mercurial 8.0.2 Mercurial integration.
MesonProjectManager 8.0.2 Meson support.
ModelEditor 8.0.2 Graphical modeling with structured diagrams.
Nim 8.0.2 Plugin for supporting the Nim programming language.
PerfProfiler 8.0.2 Perf Profiler Plugin.
Perforce 8.0.2 Perforce integration.
ProjectExplorer 8.0.2 ProjectExplorer framework that can be extended with different kind of project types.
Python 8.0.2 Plugin for supporting the Python language.
QbsProjectManager 8.0.2 QBS support.
QmakeProjectManager 8.0.2 Provides project type for Qt/QMake .pro files and tools.
QmlDesigner 8.0.2 Visual Designer for QML files.
QmlJSEditor 8.0.2 Editor for QML and JavaScript.
QmlJSTools 8.0.2 Tools for analyzing Qml/JS code.
QmlPreview 8.0.2 Qml Preview Plugin.
QmlProfiler 8.0.2 Qml Profiler Plugin.
QmlProjectManager 8.0.2 Qt Quick support
Qnx 8.0.2 Adds support for QNX to Qt Creator.
QtSupport 8.0.2 Provides support code for build systems.
RemoteLinux 8.0.2 Support for deployment to and execution on a remote Linux host.
ResourceEditor 8.0.2 Editor for qrc files.
ScxmlEditor 8.0.2 Visual Editor for SCXML (State Chart XML) files.
SerialTerminal 8.0.2 Serial Port Terminal
SilverSearcher 8.0.2 Adds possibility to use SilverSearcher tool as an alternative mechanism of 'find in files'
StudioWelcome 8.0.2 Qt Design Studio Welcome Page.
Subversion 8.0.2 Subversion integration.
TaskList 8.0.2 Use .tasks-files to populate the Issues view.
TextEditor 8.0.2 Text editor framework and the implementation of the basic text editor.
Todo 8.0.2 Adds pane that lists all TODO, FIXME, etc. entries in comments.
UpdateInfo 8.0.2 Displays Update-Infos for Qt Installer Framework-based Updaters.
Valgrind 8.0.2 Valgrind Plugin.
VcsBase 8.0.2 Version Control System Base Plugin.
WebAssembly 8.0.2 Helper for WebAssembly projects.
Welcome 8.0.2 Secondary Welcome Screen Plugin.
(C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd
The about screen of the KDE settings page has the following versions: KDE Plasma-version: 5.26.2 Versie van KDE-Frameworks: 5.99.0 Qt-version: 5.15.6 Kernel-version: 6.0.6-11 My project is built using Qt 5.15.10 LTS, installed via the commercial installer. $ qtcreator -version Qt Creator 8.0.2 based on Qt 6.4.0 Android 8.0.2 Support for deployment to and execution on Android Devices. AutoTest 8.0.2 Auto Test plugin. AutotoolsProjectManager 8.0.2 Autotools project integration. BareMetal 8.0.2 This plugin adds a target for bare metal development. Bazaar 8.0.2 Bazaar integration. Beautifier 8.0.2 Format source files with the help of beautifiers like AStyle, uncrustify or clang-format. BinEditor 8.0.2 Binary editor component. Bookmarks 8.0.2 Bookmarks in text editors. Boot2Qt 8.0.2 Support for the Boot2Qt Device access using the Qt Debug Bridge. CMakeProjectManager 8.0.2 CMake support. CVS 8.0.2 CVS integration. ClangCodeModel 8.0.2 Clang Code Model plugin. ClangFormat 8.0.2 clang-format indentation plugin. ClangTools 8.0.2 ClangTools Plugin. ClassView 8.0.2 Class View component. ClearCase 8.0.2 ClearCase integration. Coco 8.0.2 Squish Coco support. Squish Coco is a code coverage tool for Tcl, QML, C# and C/C++. CodePaster 8.0.2 Codepaster plugin for pushing/fetching diff from server. CompilationDatabaseProjectManager 8.0.2 Compilation Database project support. Conan 8.0.2 Conan integration. Core 8.0.2 The core plugin for the Qt IDE. CppEditor 8.0.2 C/C++ editor component. Cppcheck 8.0.2 Cppcheck static analyzer tool integration. See . CtfVisualizer 8.0.2 Chrome Trace Format Visualizer Plugin. Debugger 8.0.2 Debugger integration. Designer 8.0.2 Qt Designer integration. DiffEditor 8.0.2 Diff editor component. Docker 8.0.2 Basic support for Docker EmacsKeys 8.0.2 The main idea behind this plugin is to provide additional actions a typical emacs user would expect. It doesn't claim to provide full emacs emulation. The following actions are available: - Movement [C-f, C-b, C-n, C-p, M-f, M-b, C-a, C-e, M-<, M->] - Mark-based selection [C-SPC, C-x C-x] - Cut/copy/yank (doesn't provide kill ring feature) [M-w, C-w, C-y] - Kill actions, which interact properly with clipboard [C-k, M-d, C-d] - Scrolling (half of the screen, keeps cursor visible) [C-v, M-v] - Insert new line and indent [C-j] IMPORTANT: Actions are not bound to any key combinations by default. You can find them under 'EmacsKeys' section in keyboard shortcuts settings. Also it's worth mentioning that EmacsKeys plugin forces disabling of menu mnemonics by calling Qt's qt_set_sequence_auto_mnemonic function with false argument. Many of the english menu mnemonics get into the way of typical emacs keys, this includes: Alt+F (File), Alt+B (Build), Alt+W (Window). It's a temporary solution, it remains until there is a better one. FakeVim 8.0.2 VI-style keyboard navigation. GLSLEditor 8.0.2 Editor for GLSL. GenericProjectManager 8.0.2 Generic support. Git 8.0.2 Git integration. GitLab 8.0.2 GitLab plugin. HelloWorld 8.0.2 Hello World sample plugin. Help 8.0.2 Help system. ImageViewer 8.0.2 Image Viewer component. IncrediBuild 8.0.2 Support for Incredibuild. Ios 8.0.2 Support for deployment to and execution on iOS Devices. LanguageClient 8.0.2 Language Server Protocol client component. See for an overview on Language Servers. Macros 8.0.2 Macros in text editors. Marketplace 8.0.2 Qt Marketplace plugin. McuSupport 8.0.2 Helper for MCU related projects. Mercurial 8.0.2 Mercurial integration. MesonProjectManager 8.0.2 Meson support. ModelEditor 8.0.2 Graphical modeling with structured diagrams. Nim 8.0.2 Plugin for supporting the Nim programming language. PerfProfiler 8.0.2 Perf Profiler Plugin. Perforce 8.0.2 Perforce integration. ProjectExplorer 8.0.2 ProjectExplorer framework that can be extended with different kind of project types. Python 8.0.2 Plugin for supporting the Python language. QbsProjectManager 8.0.2 QBS support. QmakeProjectManager 8.0.2 Provides project type for Qt/QMake .pro files and tools. QmlDesigner 8.0.2 Visual Designer for QML files. QmlJSEditor 8.0.2 Editor for QML and JavaScript. QmlJSTools 8.0.2 Tools for analyzing Qml/JS code. QmlPreview 8.0.2 Qml Preview Plugin. QmlProfiler 8.0.2 Qml Profiler Plugin. QmlProjectManager 8.0.2 Qt Quick support Qnx 8.0.2 Adds support for QNX to Qt Creator. QtSupport 8.0.2 Provides support code for build systems. RemoteLinux 8.0.2 Support for deployment to and execution on a remote Linux host. ResourceEditor 8.0.2 Editor for qrc files. ScxmlEditor 8.0.2 Visual Editor for SCXML (State Chart XML) files. SerialTerminal 8.0.2 Serial Port Terminal SilverSearcher 8.0.2 Adds possibility to use SilverSearcher tool as an alternative mechanism of 'find in files' StudioWelcome 8.0.2 Qt Design Studio Welcome Page. Subversion 8.0.2 Subversion integration. TaskList 8.0.2 Use .tasks-files to populate the Issues view. TextEditor 8.0.2 Text editor framework and the implementation of the basic text editor. Todo 8.0.2 Adds pane that lists all TODO, FIXME, etc. entries in comments. UpdateInfo 8.0.2 Displays Update-Infos for Qt Installer Framework-based Updaters. Valgrind 8.0.2 Valgrind Plugin. VcsBase 8.0.2 Version Control System Base Plugin. WebAssembly 8.0.2 Helper for WebAssembly projects. Welcome 8.0.2 Secondary Welcome Screen Plugin. (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd
When running the google tests, integrated in my project via the auto test buttons:
The first time the tests run just fine. When the run is finished, (with or without changing any code) when I click the same button again, Qt creator segfaults.
The issue is less prevalent when running the same binary through GDB. I can provide a coredump if required.
Backtrace while running in gdb:
Thread 1 "qtcreator" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007ffff652eb98 in QSortFilterProxyModel::parent(QModelIndex const&) const () from /usr/lib/ (gdb) bt #0 0x00007ffff652eb98 in QSortFilterProxyModel::parent(QModelIndex const&) const () at /usr/lib/ #1 0x00007fffe3b5f4e8 in QModelIndex::parent() const (this=0x7fffffffc3b0) at /usr/include/qt6/QtCore/qabstractitemmodel.h:480 #2 Autotest::Internal::TestResultDelegate::clearCache() (this=0x5555567010a0) at /usr/src/debug/qt-creator-opensource-src-8.0.2/src/plugins/autotest/testresultdelegate.cpp:186 #3 0x00007fffe3b6bf32 in Autotest::Internal::TestResultsPane::clearContents() (this=0x555556541300) at /usr/src/debug/qt-creator-opensource-src-8.0.2/src/plugins/autotest/testresultspane.cpp:345 #4 0x00007fffe3b75d9f in Autotest::Internal::TestRunner::prepareToRunTests(Autotest::TestRunMode) (this=0x555555e8e838, mode=Autotest::TestRunMode::Run) at /usr/src/debug/qt-creator-opensource-src-8.0.2/src/plugins/autotest/testrunner.cpp:389 #5 0x00007ffff63805c3 in () at /usr/lib/ #6 0x00007ffff6ec8c17 in QAction::triggered(bool) () at /usr/lib/ #7 0x00007ffff63805c3 in () at /usr/lib/ #8 0x00007ffff6ec8c17 in QAction::triggered(bool) () at /usr/lib/ #9 0x00007ffff63805c3 in () at /usr/lib/ #10 0x00007ffff6ec8c17 in QAction::triggered(bool) () at /usr/lib/ #11 0x00007ffff6ecc079 in QAction::activate(QAction::ActionEvent) () at /usr/lib/ #12 0x00007ffff74744e2 in () at /usr/lib/ #13 0x00007ffff7481635 in QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #14 0x00007ffff75813df in QToolButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #15 0x00007ffff73bda05 in QWidget::event(QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #16 0x00007ffff7375b5c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #17 0x00007ffff736e4d9 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #18 0x00007ffff632a408 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #19 0x00007ffff736ae39 in QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget*, QMouseEvent*, QWidget*, QWidget*, QWidget**, QPointer<QWidget>&, bool, bool) () at /usr/lib/ #20 0x00007ffff73cbc4e in () at /usr/lib/ #21 0x00007ffff73ccf45 in () at /usr/lib/ #22 0x00007ffff7375b5c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ #23 0x00007ffff632a408 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/ --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTCREATORBUG-28269 Crash when running Catch2 tests
- Closed