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  1. Qt Creator

Settings improvement for project view in Qt Creator




      The project tree will open projects fully expanded. Sometimes it would be beneficial if it didn't - for example when handling a bigger project with many sub projects.

      There doesn't seem to be an option to stop the current active project from expanding by default.

      As a suggestion, following setting options would be beneficial to exists for the project tree in the project view:

      • Open Fully Expanded
      • Expand to Sub Project Level <enter number> // maybe just this option is enough to cover the other two.
      • Do not Expand

      If such feature would exist, it would be beneficial to add into the context menu of the project tree an option to 'Collapse Sub Projects' - one level from the project of the file is clicked on.

      So those options would then be for example the following when right clicking:

      • Expand // existing
      • Collapse All // existing - for the entire tree
      • Expand All // existing - for the entire tree
      • Collapse Sub Projects - one level from the project of the file clicked on // new

      Functionality for the latter in practice:
      Suppose a SUBDIRS project with a dozen sub projects.
      The project opens and fully expands.
      Right click any file and select "Collapse Sub Projects"
      Then one would see a nice clean tree with the top level project and neatly collapsed set of sub projects underneath. Nested sub projects would work the same way within their scope.
      If it is too hard to determine the "parent" project then the extra entries on the context menu could go on the project nodes only.


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              kandeler Christian Kandeler
              foxxx Tuukka Kettunen
              1 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

