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  1. Qt Creator

Qt Creator 7.0.2 design form not rendering for Qt5 (5.15.2)



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • Qt Creator 7.0.2
    • Quick Designer
    • None
    • Windows 10, T490 Thinkpad, Qt Creator 7.0.2, Qt 5.15.2,
    • Windows


      I am using the Qt unified online installer.  When I do the default Qt6 install, everything works with my PySide2 project and selecting new projects with PySide6 or 2.  However, I need to use Qt5 because I need QtLocation.


      So in the maintenance tool I add components (or I remove and reinstall, doesn't matter) and I select MinGW 8.1.0 under Qt 5.15.2.  After I do this, the form editor rendering will not work.  I get an error 'Line 0: The Design Mode requires a valid Qt kit', with line 0 being an import of QtQuick on the same QML code that worked with Qt6.  I have tried to fix it by selecting the correct kit in options.  Under the kits tab I select Desktop 5.15.2 MinGW 64-bit as default and under the Qt tab I select C:\Qt\5.15.2\mingw81_64\bin\qmake.exe and link with Qt.  This does not help.


      Furthermore, even though I can see the QtLocation folder under C:\Qt\5.15.2, the editor in Qt Creator will not recognize the import as a valid QML module and gives a QML module not found error.


      I have exhausted all the fixes I can find with Google, and I have posted in the forum with no answers.


      One comment. I thought that maybe downloading the old Qt5 offline installer would be the answer. I tried that, and the Qt Creator version 5 that comes with it asks to link Qt but doesn't recognize C:\Qt as an installation folder, even though Qt 5.12.12 is there. Then I also get the Line 0: error.




            thohartm Thomas Hartmann
            malibu Gene Horodecki
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

