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  1. Qt Creator

Qbs build of Qt Creator breaks when QtTools module is missing



    • Linux/X11
    • b404852cb1 (qt-creator/qt-creator/7.0) b404852cb1 (qt-creator/qt-creator/master) b404852cb1 (qt-creator/qt-creator/qds-3.3) b404852cb1 (qt-creator/tqtc-qt-creator/7.0)


      I don't always checkout and build the QtTools module when building Qt.

      When building Qt Creator against such Qt with Qbs, it fails quite late in the build process:

      creating qtcreator_sl.qm [Translations]
      The process '/home/alportal/dev/qt63_desktop/qtbase/bin/lrelease' could not be started: execve: No such file or directory. The full command line invocation was: /home/alportal/dev/qt63_desktop/qtbase/bin/lrelease -silent -qm /home/alportal/dev/tqtc-qtc-super/build-qtcreator-Qt_6_3_1_linux_g-Debug/Debug_Qt_6_3_1_049e8e98812c3a73/Translations.8ad8302d/qtcreator_sl.qm /home/alportal/dev/tqtc-qtc-super/qtcreator/share/qtcreator/translations/qtcreator_sl.ts
      The following products could not be built for configuration Debug_Qt_6_3_1_049e8e98812c3a73:
      ANSI autotest, AdvancedDockingSystem, Aggregation autotest, Algorithm autotest, AutoTest, C99 autotest, CPlusPlus AST autotest, CPlusPlus check symbols autotest, CPlusPlus code formatter autotest, CPlusPlus fileiterationorder autotest, CPlusPlus find usages autotest, CPlusPlus lexer autotest, CPlusPlus lookup autotest, CPlusPlus miscellaneous autotest, CPlusPlus preprocessor autotest, CPlusPlus pretty printer autotest, CPlusPlus selection changer autotest, CPlusPlus semantic autotest, CPlusPlus translation unit autotest, Callgrind parser autotest, ChangeSet autotest, ClangCodeModel, Cxx11 autotest, Debugger dumpers autotest, Differ autotest, Environment autotest, ExtensionSystem pluginspec autotest, ExternalTool autotest, File search autotest, FileUtils autotest, FuzzyMatcher autotest, IndexedContainerProxyConstIterator autotest, Language Server Protocol autotest, Manual FakeVim test, Manual ProParser test, Manual QtcProcess test, Manual Test Simple Application, Manual Test Simple Plugin, Manual Test Utils CrumblePath, Manual Test Utils InfoLabel, Manual Test Utils ManhattanStyle, Manual debugger gui test, Manual debugger shootout test, Manual plugin view test, Manual sftpfs model test, Manual ssh shell test, Manual test plugin1, Manual test plugin2, Manual test plugin3, McuSupport, Memcheck ModelDemo autotest, Memcheck free1 autotest, Memcheck free2 autotest, Memcheck invalidjump autotest, Memcheck leak1 autotest, Memcheck leak2 autotest, Memcheck leak3 autotest, Memcheck leak4 autotest, Memcheck overlap autotest, Memcheck syscall autotest, Memcheck uninit1 autotest, Memcheck uninit2 autotest, Memcheck uninit3 autotest, MultiTextCursor autotest, PersistentSettings autotest, PluginManager autotest, ProFileWriter autotest, QML code formatter autotest, QML code model check autotest, QML code model dependencies autotest, QML code model imports check autotest, QML persistenttrie autotest, QML reformatter autotest, QMLJS simple reader autotest, QmlProjectManager file format autotest, QtcProcess autotest, Run extensions autotest, SSH autotest, Settings autotest, Sqlite, StringUtils autotest, TemplateEngine autotest, ToolChainCache autotest, Translations, TreeModel autotest, TreeViewFind autotest, circular_plugin1, circular_plugin2, circular_plugin3, clangbackend, correct_plugin1, correct_plugin2, correct_plugin3, debugger protocol autotest, disassembler autotest, echoserver, gdb autotest, json autotest, mesoninfoparser, mesonparser, mesonwrapper, ninjaparser, offsets autotest, pluginspec_test, processtestapp, qrc parser autotest, qtc-askpass, qtcjson, qtcreator, qtcreator_crash_handler, qtcreator_processlauncher, qtpromaker, sdktool, sdktool autotest, sdktoolLib, simplifytypes autotest, valgrind-fake
      Error while building/deploying project Qt Creator (kit: Qt 6.3.1 linux-g++)
      When executing step "Qbs Build"

      It would be cool, if the dependency on lrelease was checked earlier. And even cooler if the lrelease step could be skipped. The CMake build system does not require QtTools for building Qt Creator.




            kandeler Christian Kandeler
            portale Alessandro Portale
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

