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Unable to build examples alongside a Qt module in QtCreator



    • Android
    • a2b6dba0bcec4675cbc5c951cfb112296e65d4e4 (qt-creator/tqtc-qt-creator/5.0)
    • 2021wk36POAndroid&Mobile


      Steps to reproduce

      1) Clone qtscxml repository: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtscxml.git

      2) Open the qtscxml toplevel CMakeLists.txt in QtCreator, select Android kit (arm & debug build in my case).

      3) Enable building of examples (Projects tab => Build pane => set QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON) and hit “Apply configuration changes” button below.

      4) Select an example on the Projects => Run => Run Configuration. For example “pinball” or whatever, as long a plugin is not selected (see later).

      5) Click “build” button and build.

      6) At the end of the build (after 100%) there is an error:

      No target architecture defined in json file..
      The process "/Users/juha.vuolle/qts/6/host_dev_build/qtbase/bin/androiddeployqt" exited with code 2.
      Error while building/deploying project QtScxml (kit: Android Qt 6.2.0 (android_arm_dev_build) Clang arm64-v8a)
      When executing step "Build Android APK"

      This is the error this bug is about. There are two related behaviours into this error, depending on the action on step #4 above.

      • If an executable application is selected in the “Run configuration”, the real .json file can be found and the hack / workaround below can be done.
      • If a plugin is selected, the build directory will not contain a .json file that would work.

      Some analysis

      The error message comes from androiddeployqt, it tries to find "architectures" keyword from a .json file, but it contains a "target-architecture" keyword instead. By grepping qt-creator source, which creates these .json files, this is not wrong per se - it generates .json files with 2 different keywords. I did not investigate why, but I assume it is as it should.

      All in all since the real .json files are there, I think they are just looked up from the wrong place.

      The dirty workaround / hack

      Open terminal and go to the build directory of the project and copy all android deployment .json files to root of the build folder:

      ….arm64_v8a-Debug >   find . -name "android*.json" |xargs -I FILE cp FILE .

      Then go back to QtCreator and build again => no error.


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              assam Assam Boudjelthia
              vuokko Juha Vuolle
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              8 Start watching this issue

