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  1. Qt Creator

Qt Creator for Symbian makes it very difficult to get the debug|release config type from inside the .pro file



    • ea6c7f00834c136ac1b72224547276f5786e9a95


      The modified Qt Creator in the Nokia Qt SDK uses the "-after" parameter for qmake to organize obj, moc, ui and rcc files into directories.
      E.g: qmake.exe SymbianClient.pro -r -spec symbian-abld -after OBJECTS_DIR=obj MOC_DIR=moc UI_DIR=ui RCC_DIR=rcc CONFIG+=release

      As one can see, the CONFIG type is passed as one of the -after parameters, meaning that it is not accessible from the .pro file. A Symbian pro file can't tell if it is being built as debug or as release by testing CONFIG(debug,debug|release).

      I have created a small test .pro file where I run

      for(a, CONFIG){

      From the Qt Creator qmake call, the output is:

      Project MESSAGE: lex
      Project MESSAGE: yacc
      Project MESSAGE: warn_on
      Project MESSAGE: debug
      Project MESSAGE: uic
      Project MESSAGE: resources
      Project MESSAGE: stl_off
      Project MESSAGE: qt
      Project MESSAGE: warn_on
      Project MESSAGE: release
      Project MESSAGE: incremental
      Project MESSAGE: debug
      Project MESSAGE: shared
      Project MESSAGE: stl
      Project MESSAGE: exceptions
      Project MESSAGE: rtti
      Project MESSAGE: incredibuild_xge
      Project MESSAGE: def_files
      Project MESSAGE: mobility

      We move the CONFIG += release before the "-after" parameter,
      e.g: qmake.exe SymbianClient.pro -r -spec symbian-abld CONFIG+=release -after OBJECTS_DIR=obj MOC_DIR=moc UI_DIR=ui RCC_DIR=rcc
      and manually run the command. The output is:

      Project MESSAGE: lex
      Project MESSAGE: yacc
      Project MESSAGE: warn_on
      Project MESSAGE: debug
      Project MESSAGE: uic
      Project MESSAGE: resources
      Project MESSAGE: stl_off
      Project MESSAGE: qt
      Project MESSAGE: warn_on
      Project MESSAGE: release
      Project MESSAGE: incremental
      Project MESSAGE: debug
      Project MESSAGE: shared
      Project MESSAGE: stl
      Project MESSAGE: exceptions
      Project MESSAGE: rtti
      Project MESSAGE: incredibuild_xge
      Project MESSAGE: def_files
      Project MESSAGE: release
      Project MESSAGE: mobility

      The bottom line is that the .pro file parsed by the Qt Creator qmake call will always think that it's in the debug configuration, even when in release.




            hunger Tobias Hunger
            razvan.petru Razvan Petru
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

