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  1. Qt Creator

Extend Objects/Widgets list features in Designer



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • Qt Creator 4.10.0
    • Widget Designer
    • None
    • All


      This is about widgets stack - sheet in top most right part of QtDesigner. It still is weak and does not allow comfortably control widgets. I'm pretty sure this was one of the reasons why widgets did not become popular. I suggest implement following features:

      1. Add option to show widgets in Z-order as alternative to alphabet (as now). Now it is not possible and Z-order is absolutely invisible. Add menu actions "Z step up", "Z step down" moving widget to 1 step up or down. Now it is possible only move widget to top or to bottom of stack. One window can include tens of widgets. If needed place them in specific Z-order - this becomes HARD job. 
      2. Add option "Change signals/slots" to ALL widgets local menu. Now if custom made plugin with widgets is used and signal or slot added to widget - then it requires restart QtCreator to reload plugin and make it's new signals/slots visible for connection. I use my own 25 custom plugins and this is very annoying.
      3. Make darg-n-drop able in this list when it is sorted in any order.
      4. This is not about widgets list - but about widget properties editor (down to the list). Add Visible toggle property for each object. By default it should be true.




            kleint Friedemann Kleint
            gourmand64 Gourmet
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

