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  1. Qt Creator

Error running qmake after error encountered during qmake run



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P1: Critical
    • Qt Creator 4.9.0
    • Qt Creator 4.9.0-rc1
    • None
    • Qt Creator 4.9.0-rc1 (4.8.84)
      Based on Qt 5.12.2 (MSVC 2017, 32 bit)
      Built on Mar 26 2019 08:51:56
      From revision 8ff29ff19d
      Enterprise Features: Enabled

      On Windows 10 x64
    • Windows
    • 73da3d3bc0560a5a40d89951a7d4c9d11396bdc8 (qt-creator/qt-creator/4.9)


      Qt Creator gives the following error after a previous qmake run resulted in an error:

      Error while building/deploying project TestQtCRc (kit: <SELECTED_KIT>)

      When executing step "qmake"

       Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open Qt Creator 
      2. Create a new qmake project
        1. Example: CTRL + N -> Application -> Qt Widgets Application -> SomeName -> Select Kits (all or some)
        2. Or empty qmake project also works
      3. Open the pro file of the project from the Project Explorer
      4. Run qmake
        1. qmake completes without error
      5. Add an error to the qmake pro file
        1. error( "Some error" )
      6. Run qmake
        1. qmake runs and prints the error in the "Compile Output" output pane
      7. Run qmake again
        1. "Compile Output" output pane reports above error.
      8. Remove the error from the project and run qmake again
        1. "Compile Output" output pane still reports above error.
      9. Restart Qt Creator to be able to run qmake again.

      I have tested above for all of the the kits that I have, same behaviour:

      • Desktop Qt 5.12.0 MSVC2017 32bit
      • Desktop Qt 5.12.0 MSVC2017 64bit
      • Desktop Qt 5.12.2 MSVC2017 32bit2
      • Desktop Qt 5.12.2 MinGW 64-bit2
      • Desktop Qt 5.9.7 MinGW 32bit2
      • ...

      This was not an issue with Qt Creator 4.8. I first saw the issue in 4.9.0 beta 2 (not sure if in beta 1 though) 

      This is a blocker for upgrading Qt Creator 


        1. QTCREATORBUG-22211.avi
          1.83 MB
          Carel Combrink
        2. QTCREATORBUG-22211.zip
          116 kB
          Carel Combrink



            con Eike Ziller
            thebadger101 Carel Combrink
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