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  1. Qt Creator

Killing lldb externally with killall leaves Qt Creator in inconsistent state



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • Qt Creator 4.4.0-rc1
    • Qt Creator 4.4.0-beta1, Qt Creator 4.6.0-beta1
    • Debugger
    • macOS 10.12.5
      Qt Creator 4.4 rc1
    • 4bed1a0bc5c09a962a8349f0bf2cb89aa1af8ea7 27723c361bb14ff7126081ff798947f08b7322ee


      Case 1)
      1) Start debugging any cpp project, and stop at a breakpoint.
      2) kill lldb using "killall lldb" on the terminal
      3) Get notification that lldb process has been terminated from Creator
      4) Observe that stack trace and local are still displayed, even though lldb is dead.
      5) Observe that it's not possible to start another debug session, and calling Abort Debugging twice does not help.

      Case 2)
      Instead of stopping the application, let it run, and kill lldb. Observe that Qt Creator immediately stops the debugging process, and i can successfully start a new debug session after this.

      Case 3)
      If I kill the debugged application instead of lldb, once i press step over, seemingly nothing happens, but if i run "proc status" i get that a SIGTERM signal was received, and if i press step over one more time, the debugger quits, like if i stopped debugging myself. The debugger state is in a consistent state in that case, and I can successfully start a new debug session.

      Case 4)
      If I kill the debugged application (killall) while the application is in running state (busy loop), i immediately get a stop in Qt Creator, proc status reports a SIGTERM, but if I press continue debugging, the application seemingly continues to run. If i killall one more time, i get another stop in Creator, and pressing continue this time stops the application. I can start a new debug session after this without issue

      So case 3 and 4 seem to be somehow related that you need 2 events to stop the debbugging.
      And case 1 breaks further debugging altogether.




            hjk hjk
            alexandru.croitor Alexandru Croitor
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            2 Start watching this issue

