Resolution: Duplicate
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 3.0.0-beta, Qt Creator 3.0.0
Linux Mint 15 Mate x86_64
Intel atom d425 motherboard ("64bit instruction set" from spec sheet: X86_64 compatibility was not specified)
Similar to Bug 10463
The Difference is that in the 3.0.0 Beta version:
1. On the debugger tab, I could manually select the auto-detected debugger then press apply.
2. Back on the kits tab I select the auto-detected kit.
3. The Drop down list would be enabled and I could select /usr/bin/dbg.
4. The exclamation icon would disappear.
5. This condition would remain until QtCreator was shut down and restarted.
In the 3.0.0 release version:
1. On the debugger tab, I manually select the auto-detected debugger then press apply.
2. Back on the kits tab I Select the auto-detected kit.
3. The Drop down list would NOT be enabled So I could not select the debugger that was auto-detected.
Ernie D
Issue Links
- relates to
QTCREATORBUG-11041 No debugger for auto-detected kit, "Warning: No debugger set up."
- Closed