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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-99542

Android 12 - Behavior Changes



    • User Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • None
    • Extras: Android
    • None


      Behavior Changes:


      Category  Affected  Name  Proposed Action  
      Activity lifecycle  Change (all apps)  Root launcher activities are no longer finished on Back press 
      The system Back button now moves an activity to the background instead of finishing it
      No action. Limited to launchers.  
      Connectivity  Change (all apps)  Passpoint updates 
      Android 12 introduces new APIs to verify device support for Passpoint features. 
       Check new feature  
      Graphics and images  Change (all apps)  Improved refresh rate switching 
      The refresh rate can now be changed even when the display doesn't support a seamless transition. 
       No action  
      Performance  Change (all apps)  Restricted App Standby Bucket 
      Android 12 introduces a new, stricter App Standby Bucket for apps that use system resources less responsibly. 
       Research impact.  
      Security and privacy  Change (all apps)  Microphone and camera toggles 
      Supported devices allow users to enable or disable microphone and camera access for all apps with a single toggle option. 
      No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (all apps)  Microphone and camera indicators 
      Status bar icons are now displayed whenever an app accesses the microphone or camera. 
      No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (all apps)  Permission package visibility 
      Permission info from the package manager is now filtered based on package visibility. 
      No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (all apps)  BouncyCastle implementation removed 
      Android 12 removes many BouncyCastle implementations of cryptographic algorithms that were previously deprecated. 
      No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (all apps)  Clipboard access notifications 
      Users are now notified when an app accesses clipboard data from a different app. 
       No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (all apps)  Apps can't close system dialogs 
      Apps can no longer invoke an intent that closes a system dialog. 
       No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (all apps)  Untrusted touch events are blocked 
      Android 12 prevents apps from consuming touch events where an overlay obscures the app in an unsafe way. 
       Research impact on UX. Should not have impact.  
      UX  Change (all apps)  Stretch overscroll effect 
      Android 12 introduces new visual behavior for overscroll events. 
      No action.  
      UX  Change (all apps)  App splash screens 
      Apps that previously implemented a custom splash screen must now migrate to the new SplashScreen API. 
       Check new feature   
      UX  Change (all apps)  Web intent resolution 
      A generic web intent now only resolves to an app's activity if that app is approved for the specific domain contained in that web intent. 
      Research Impact.  
      UX  Change (all apps)  Immersive mode improvements for gesture nav 
      Android 12 replaces existing behaviors for immersive mode with the default behavior: BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT. 
       No action.  
      UX Change (all apps)  Display#getRealSize and getRealMetrics: deprecation and constraints 
      The Display APIs getRealSize() and getRealMetrics() are deprecated in Android 12. 
       Deprecation issue DONE
      UX  Change (all apps)  All apps in multi-window mode 
      Multi-window mode is now standard behavior on devices with large screens. 
       No action.  
      UX  Change (all apps)  Camera preview on large screens 
      Camera apps that request a specific screen orientation and are not resizable now enter inset portrait mode automatically. 
      Check impact on multimedia examples.  
      UX  Change (all apps)  UX delay for foreground service notifications 
      To streamline short-lived tasks, foreground service notifications are now delayed by 10 seconds for certain foreground services. 
       No action.  
      Backup and restore  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Changes in backup and restore 
      Include/exclude rules are now specified separately for Google Drive and D2D backups. 
       No action.  
      Compatibility  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Updated non-SDK restrictions 
      Some previously unsupported interfaces are blocked in Android 12. 
       Non-SDK Restrictions issue  
      Connectivity  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Concurrent Peer-to-Peer + Internet Connection 
      On supported devices, the primary Wi-Fi network is no longer disconnected when establishing concurrent peer-to-peer and internet connections. 
      No action.   
      Connectivity  Change (apps targeting 12+)  mDNSResponder native API 
      The mDNSResponder daemon now runs only while it is needed for NSD events. 
      No action.   
      Performance  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Foreground service launch restrictions 
      Apps are no longer permitted to start foreground services while running in the background. 
       No action.  
      Performance  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Exact alarm permission 
      Apps now require a special permission to set exact alarms. 
       No action.  
      Performance  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Notification trampoline restrictions 
      Apps can no longer use intermediary services or broadcast receivers to open an activity when the user taps a notification. 
       No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Approximate location 
      When an app requests precise location permissions, users can now opt to grant only approximate location permissions instead. 
       No action.   
      Security and privacy  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Modern SameSite cookies in WebView 
      Apps now must explicitly specify which cookies are allowed to work across different websites. 
        No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Motion sensors are rate-limited 
      The system now limits the refresh rate of data from certain motion sensors and position sensors. 
        No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (apps targeting 12+)  App hibernation 
      Apps are now placed in a hibernation state if the user doesn't interact with them for a few months. 
       No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Attribution declaration in data access auditing 
      Apps must now declare attribution tags in the manifest to use them for data access auditing. 
       No action.   
      Security and privacy  Change (apps targeting 12+)  ADB backup restriction 
      ADB backups now exclude app data by default. 
       No action.  
      Security and privacy  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Safer component exporting 
      Apps must now explicitly declare whether their components that use intent filters are allowed to be launched by other apps. 
       Research Impact.  
      Security and privacy  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Pending intents mutability 
      Apps must now specify the mutability of each PendingIntent object that they create. 
       Research Impact. DONE
      Security and privacy  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Unsafe intent launches 
      Android 12 introduces a debugging feature that detects unsafe intent launches. 
       No action.  
      UX  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Custom notifications 
      Android 12 enforces visually consistent layout templates for custom notifications. 
       Research Impact.  
      UX  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Android App Links verification changes 
      Domains for Android App Links are now verified only if those domains are declared in a specially-formatted intent filter. 
        No action.  
      UX  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Picture-in-Picture (PIP) behavior improvements 
      Android 12 includes improved PiP behavior for single- and double-tapping. 
       No action.  
      Vendor libraries  Change (apps targeting 12+)  Vendor-supplied native shared libraries 
      Non-NDK native shared libraries are now only accessible when they are explicitly requested. 







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              qtandroidteam Qt Android Team
              samuelmira Samuel Mira
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