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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-98910

Add APIs for automated parsing of payload data in Qt CAN bus, especially DBC




      Currently Qt CAN Bus API covers all aspects of connectivity and handling packets.
      Users still need a support for a comfortable parsing of the payload data.

      One of the most popular data formats is DBC. DBC is a format specification which describes how the payload data on the bus can be mapped to various data fields. In a simplified form, it is a kind of format for name-value pairs.
      It would be helpful to have a component which would be able to take a description of a name-value pair data stream as input, and use it to automatically convert this input to value-types in Qt, for example a QMap or a QJsonArray, and create names mapped to named used the name-value pairs. There is an internal prototype once made for a customer request for this which this can base on. Morevoer, several other protocols mentioned in the epic          Additional CAN Protocols

      can be handled in a similar form, if we would request a user to write a name-value pair list for a given usecase. More information about DBC can be found here: https://www.csselectronics.com/pages/can-dbc-file-database-intro

      Other protocols with similar context:


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              ivan.solovev Ivan Solovev
              productboard Productboard
              Vladimir Minenko Vladimir Minenko
              Alex Blasche Alex Blasche
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              6 Start watching this issue

