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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-96634

Add Ability to Enable Text Highlighting in Label Controls (So you Can Copy and Paste Text)



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      Feature Request

      It would be very nice, if QtQuick labels had a property, that you could set, where it would enable:

      1. The ability to highlight/select text that's displayed by the label control,
      2. The ability to right-click highlighted text and select "Copy" from a context menu,
      3. The ability copy highlighted text by pressing ctrl-c.


      In KDE, I use a software called Discover, which heavily utilizes QtQuick.Controls.Label to display information about software you can download and install on Linux.

      Unfortunately, none of the text displayed, in this application, allows you to highlight, copy, and paste text into any other application. To me, that's a very disappointing inability and its not something I'd expect from an open source software application. So, I filed a bug report about it here:

      Migrating to a completely different control, for all the content where Discover uses QtQuick Labels, is apparently a tall task, and even if accomplished, it would only benefit users of Discover exclusively.

      However, if the skilled developers of QtQuick would add the feature, at this fundamental level I'm requesting, a multitude of projects would be able to quickly implement "Highlight | Copy | Paste" ability into their applications (just by setting a new property on their existing label controls).

      Please consider adding this feature. Thanks for reading my request.




            qt.team.quick.subscriptions Qt Quick and Widgets Team
            lonnie Lonnie Best
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