Uploaded image for project: 'Qt'
  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-95667

"Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision" when running qmllint on qtquickcalendar



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • 6.3
    • 6.3
    • QML: Tooling


      With https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt-extensions/qtquickcalendar/+/363740/ checked out and running

      ~/dev/qtquickcalendar-qt-dev-debug$ ninja all_qmllint &> /tmp/qmllint-ninja.txt

      I get:

      [1/5] Automatic MOC and UIC for target eventcalendar
      [2/5] Running AUTOMOC file extraction for target eventcalendar
      [3/5] Running moc --collect-json for target eventcalendar
      [4/5] Automatic QML type registration for target eventcalendar
      [5/5] cd /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar && /home/mitch/dev/qt-dev-debug/qtbase/bin/qmllint -I /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar-qt-dev-debug/src/imports/calendar -I /home/mitch/dev/qt-dev-debug/qtbase/./qml --resource /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar-qt-dev-debug/src/imports/calendar/.rcc/qmake_QtQuick_Calendar.qrc --resource /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar-qt-dev-debug/src/imports/calendar/.rcc/QuickCalendar_raw_qml_0.qrc DayOfWeekRow.qml MonthGrid.qml WeekNumberColumn.qml
      FAILED: src/imports/calendar/CMakeFiles/QuickCalendar_qmllint 
      cd /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar && /home/mitch/dev/qt-dev-debug/qtbase/bin/qmllint -I /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar-qt-dev-debug/src/imports/calendar -I /home/mitch/dev/qt-dev-debug/qtbase/./qml --resource /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar-qt-dev-debug/src/imports/calendar/.rcc/qmake_QtQuick_Calendar.qrc --resource /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar-qt-dev-debug/src/imports/calendar/.rcc/QuickCalendar_raw_qml_0.qrc DayOfWeekRow.qml MonthGrid.qml WeekNumberColumn.qml
      Warning: DayOfWeekRow.qml: Warnings occurred while importing base modules:
      Warning: /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:291:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:314:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:392:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:401:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:429:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      Warning: Found deprecated dependency specifications in /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes.Specify dependencies in qmldir and use qmltyperegistrar to generate qmltypes files without dependencies.
      Warning: MonthGrid.qml: Warnings occurred while importing base modules:
      Warning: /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:291:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:314:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:392:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:401:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:429:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      Warning: Found deprecated dependency specifications in /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes.Specify dependencies in qmldir and use qmltyperegistrar to generate qmltypes files without dependencies.
      Warning: WeekNumberColumn.qml: Warnings occurred while importing base modules:
      Warning: /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:291:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:314:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:392:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:401:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes:429:37: Meta object revision and export version differ, ignoring the revision.
      Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.
      Warning: Found deprecated dependency specifications in /home/mitch/dev/qtquickcalendar/src/imports/calendar/plugins.qmltypes.Specify dependencies in qmldir and use qmltyperegistrar to generate qmltypes files without dependencies.
      ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

      https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt-extensions/qtquickcalendar/+/360418/ (in that chain of commits) adds the revision for those types, so it shouldn't warn.

      // [...]
      #include <QtQml/qqml.h>
      #include <QtQml/qqmlmoduleregistration.h>
      #include <private/qquickcalendar_p.h>
      #include <private/qquickcalendarmodel_p.h>
      #include <private/qquickdayofweekrow_p.h>
      #include <private/qquickmonthgrid_p.h>
      #include <private/qquickweeknumbercolumn_p.h>
      #if !defined(QT_STATIC)
      #define Q_QMLTYPE_EXPORT
      Q_QMLTYPE_EXPORT void qml_register_types_QtQuick_Calendar()
          QMetaType::fromType<QAbstractListModel *>().id();
          qmlRegisterTypesAndRevisions<QQuickCalendar>("QtQuick.Calendar", 1);
          qmlRegisterTypesAndRevisions<QQuickCalendarModel>("QtQuick.Calendar", 1);
          qmlRegisterTypesAndRevisions<QQuickDayOfWeekRow>("QtQuick.Calendar", 1);
          qmlRegisterTypesAndRevisions<QQuickMonthGrid>("QtQuick.Calendar", 1);
          qmlRegisterTypesAndRevisions<QQuickWeekNumberColumn>("QtQuick.Calendar", 1);
          qmlRegisterModule("QtQuick.Calendar", 1, 0);
      static const QQmlModuleRegistration registration("QtQuick.Calendar", qml_register_types_QtQuick_Calendar);
      import QtQuick.tooling 1.2
      // This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
      // It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
      // This file was auto-generated by:
      // 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable QtQuick.Calendar 1.0'
      Module {
          dependencies: ["QtQuick 2.12"]
          Component {
              name: "QAbstractItemModel"
              prototype: "QObject"
              Enum {
                  name: "LayoutChangeHint"
                  values: {
                      "NoLayoutChangeHint": 0,
                      "VerticalSortHint": 1,
                      "HorizontalSortHint": 2
              Enum {
                  name: "CheckIndexOption"
                  values: {
                      "NoOption": 0,
                      "IndexIsValid": 1,
                      "DoNotUseParent": 2,
                      "ParentIsInvalid": 4
              Signal {
                  name: "dataChanged"
                  Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "roles"; type: "QVector<int>" }
              Signal {
                  name: "dataChanged"
                  Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Signal {
                  name: "headerDataChanged"
                  Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
                  Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "layoutChanged"
                  Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
                  Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
              Signal {
                  name: "layoutChanged"
                  Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
              Signal { name: "layoutChanged" }
              Signal {
                  name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
                  Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
                  Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
              Signal {
                  name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
                  Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
              Signal { name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged" }
              Signal {
                  name: "rowsAboutToBeInserted"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "rowsInserted"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "rowsAboutToBeRemoved"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "rowsRemoved"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "columnsAboutToBeInserted"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "columnsInserted"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "columnsAboutToBeRemoved"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "columnsRemoved"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
              Signal { name: "modelAboutToBeReset" }
              Signal { name: "modelReset" }
              Signal {
                  name: "rowsAboutToBeMoved"
                  Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "destinationRow"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "rowsMoved"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "columnsAboutToBeMoved"
                  Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "destinationColumn"; type: "int" }
              Signal {
                  name: "columnsMoved"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
              Method { name: "submit"; type: "bool" }
              Method { name: "revert" }
              Method {
                  name: "hasIndex"
                  type: "bool"
                  Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method {
                  name: "hasIndex"
                  type: "bool"
                  Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "index"
                  type: "QModelIndex"
                  Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method {
                  name: "index"
                  type: "QModelIndex"
                  Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "parent"
                  type: "QModelIndex"
                  Parameter { name: "child"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method {
                  name: "sibling"
                  type: "QModelIndex"
                  Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method {
                  name: "rowCount"
                  type: "int"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method { name: "rowCount"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "columnCount"
                  type: "int"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method { name: "columnCount"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "hasChildren"
                  type: "bool"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method { name: "hasChildren"; type: "bool" }
              Method {
                  name: "data"
                  type: "QVariant"
                  Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "data"
                  type: "QVariant"
                  Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method {
                  name: "setData"
                  type: "bool"
                  Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
                  Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "setData"
                  type: "bool"
                  Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
              Method {
                  name: "headerData"
                  type: "QVariant"
                  Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
                  Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "headerData"
                  type: "QVariant"
                  Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
              Method {
                  name: "fetchMore"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method {
                  name: "canFetchMore"
                  type: "bool"
                  Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method {
                  name: "flags"
                  type: "Qt::ItemFlags"
                  Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
              Method {
                  name: "match"
                  type: "QModelIndexList"
                  Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
                  Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "flags"; type: "Qt::MatchFlags" }
              Method {
                  name: "match"
                  type: "QModelIndexList"
                  Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
                  Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "match"
                  type: "QModelIndexList"
                  Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
                  Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
          Component { name: "QAbstractListModel"; prototype: "QAbstractItemModel" }
          Component {
              name: "QQuickCalendar"
              prototype: "QObject"
              exports: ["QtQuick.Calendar/Calendar 1.0"]
              isCreatable: false
              isSingleton: true
              exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
              Enum {
                  name: "Month"
                  values: {
                      "January": 0,
                      "February": 1,
                      "March": 2,
                      "April": 3,
                      "May": 4,
                      "June": 5,
                      "July": 6,
                      "August": 7,
                      "September": 8,
                      "October": 9,
                      "November": 10,
                      "December": 11
          Component {
              name: "QQuickCalendarModel"
              prototype: "QAbstractListModel"
              exports: ["QtQuick.Calendar/CalendarModel 1.0"]
              exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
              Property { name: "from"; type: "QDate" }
              Property { name: "to"; type: "QDate" }
              Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
              Method {
                  name: "monthAt"
                  type: "int"
                  Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "yearAt"
                  type: "int"
                  Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
              Method {
                  name: "indexOf"
                  type: "int"
                  Parameter { name: "date"; type: "QDate" }
              Method {
                  name: "indexOf"
                  type: "int"
                  Parameter { name: "year"; type: "int" }
                  Parameter { name: "month"; type: "int" }
          Component {
              name: "QQuickControl"
              defaultProperty: "data"
              prototype: "QQuickItem"
              Property { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
              Property { name: "availableWidth"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
              Property { name: "availableHeight"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
              Property { name: "padding"; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "topPadding"; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "leftPadding"; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "rightPadding"; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "bottomPadding"; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "spacing"; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "locale"; type: "QLocale" }
              Property { name: "mirrored"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
              Property { name: "focusPolicy"; type: "Qt::FocusPolicy" }
              Property { name: "focusReason"; type: "Qt::FocusReason" }
              Property { name: "visualFocus"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
              Property { name: "hovered"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
              Property { name: "hoverEnabled"; type: "bool" }
              Property { name: "wheelEnabled"; type: "bool" }
              Property { name: "background"; type: "QQuickItem"; isPointer: true }
              Property { name: "contentItem"; type: "QQuickItem"; isPointer: true }
              Property { name: "baselineOffset"; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "palette"; revision: 3; type: "QPalette" }
              Property { name: "horizontalPadding"; revision: 5; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "verticalPadding"; revision: 5; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "implicitContentWidth"; revision: 5; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
              Property { name: "implicitContentHeight"; revision: 5; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
              Property { name: "implicitBackgroundWidth"; revision: 5; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
              Property { name: "implicitBackgroundHeight"; revision: 5; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
              Property { name: "topInset"; revision: 5; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "leftInset"; revision: 5; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "rightInset"; revision: 5; type: "double" }
              Property { name: "bottomInset"; revision: 5; type: "double" }
              Signal { name: "paletteChanged"; revision: 3 }
              Signal { name: "horizontalPaddingChanged"; revision: 5 }
              Signal { name: "verticalPaddingChanged"; revision: 5 }
              Signal { name: "implicitContentWidthChanged"; revision: 5 }
              Signal { name: "implicitContentHeightChanged"; revision: 5 }
              Signal { name: "implicitBackgroundWidthChanged"; revision: 5 }
              Signal { name: "implicitBackgroundHeightChanged"; revision: 5 }
              Signal { name: "topInsetChanged"; revision: 5 }
              Signal { name: "leftInsetChanged"; revision: 5 }
              Signal { name: "rightInsetChanged"; revision: 5 }
              Signal { name: "bottomInsetChanged"; revision: 5 }
          Component {
              name: "QQuickDayOfWeekRow"
              defaultProperty: "data"
              prototype: "QQuickControl"
              exports: ["QtQuick.Calendar/AbstractDayOfWeekRow 1.0"]
              exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
              Property { name: "source"; type: "QVariant" }
              Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QQmlComponent"; isPointer: true }
          Component {
              name: "QQuickMonthGrid"
              defaultProperty: "data"
              prototype: "QQuickControl"
              exports: ["QtQuick.Calendar/AbstractMonthGrid 1.0"]
              exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
              Property { name: "month"; type: "int" }
              Property { name: "year"; type: "int" }
              Property { name: "source"; type: "QVariant" }
              Property { name: "title"; type: "string" }
              Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QQmlComponent"; isPointer: true }
              Signal {
                  name: "pressed"
                  Parameter { name: "date"; type: "QDate" }
              Signal {
                  name: "released"
                  Parameter { name: "date"; type: "QDate" }
              Signal {
                  name: "clicked"
                  Parameter { name: "date"; type: "QDate" }
              Signal {
                  name: "pressAndHold"
                  Parameter { name: "date"; type: "QDate" }
          Component {
              name: "QQuickWeekNumberColumn"
              defaultProperty: "data"
              prototype: "QQuickControl"
              exports: ["QtQuick.Calendar/AbstractWeekNumberColumn 1.0"]
              exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
              Property { name: "month"; type: "int" }
              Property { name: "year"; type: "int" }
              Property { name: "source"; type: "QVariant" }
              Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QQmlComponent"; isPointer: true }


        Issue Links



              qtqmlteam Qt Qml Team User
              mitch_curtis Mitch Curtis
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

