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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-91186

[REG 5.12.9->5.14.2] Using the when property of the State QML Type leads to the default state being applied between state changes.



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P1: Critical
    • None
    • 5.14.2, 5.15.2, 5.15.3, 6.0.0, 6.1.0 Alpha
    • None


      Relying on the when property of the State QML Type to handle state changes, leads to the default "" state being applied.

      Consider the following example: 

      Item {
          id: item
          anchors.fill: parent
          property bool toggle
          Button {
              anchors.fill: parent
              onClicked: item.toggle = ! item.toggle
          states: [
              State {
                  name: "true"
                  when: item.toggle
              State {
                  name: "false"
                  when: ! item.toggle
          onStateChanged: {
              console.log("state:", state, "toggle:", toggle)

      The expected output when clicking the Button twice is:

      qml: state: false toggle: false
      qml: state: true toggle: true
      qml: state: false toggle: false

      where the first line appears at startup. This output is obtained with QT 5.12.9.

      With QT 5.15.2 one gets the following output: 

      qml: state: false toggle: false
      qml: state:  toggle: true
      qml: state: true toggle: true
      qml: state: false toggle: false

      The second line shows that the transition from the "false" state to the "true" state temporarily applies the default "" state in between. This in particular leads to transitions from: "false" being stopped.

      When there are only 2 states a workaround is to specify "when: true" in the second state in the list. For QT 5.12.4 until QT 5.14.0 even that does not work, because of QTBUG-76838, but "when: 1 == 1" works in these versions. For more than 2 states one needs to handle state changes in javascript.

      Windows: reproduced, iOS: reproduced


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