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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-90467

Unable to build QtCoap Add-On with Conan, linux-g++-Ubuntu20.04-x64



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P1: Critical
    • None
    • 6.0.1
    • CoAP
    • Linux/X11


      Install Qt6.0.1, QtCoap, Cmake, Ninja and Conan with online installer.

      Run build command:

      conan install qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot --build=missing --profile=/home/qt/RTA/qt5/Tools/Conan/profiles/qt-6.0.1-gcc-x86_64 -s build_type=Release -g cmake_paths -g=cmake -g deploy

      Build fails:
      Found 'error' from command output (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      result array length: 482
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot package(): Packaged 2 '.pri' files: qt_lib_coap_private.pri, qt_lib_coap.pri
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot package(): Packaged 1 '.json' file: Coap.json
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Package '9105b5b4ab5d474532cfc28699da368141e8a4cf' created
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Created package revision b020ad78e9b87ec4b4081413ebc84e57
      Generator deploy created deploy_manifest.txt
      Generator txt created conanbuildinfo.txt
      Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake
      Generator cmake_paths created conan_paths.cmake
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 25 '.h' files
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 14 files
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.txt' files: conaninfo.txt, conanmanifest.txt
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 8 '.cmake' files
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.debug' file: Qt6Coap.debug
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.prl' file: libQt6Coap.prl
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.6' file: libQt6Coap.so.6
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.pri' files: qt_lib_coap_private.pri, qt_lib_coap.pri
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.1' file: libQt6Coap.so.6.0.1
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.json' file: Coap.json
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.so' file: libQt6Coap.so
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot package(): Packaged 2 '.pri' files: qt_lib_coap_private.pri, qt_lib_coap.pri
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot package(): Packaged 2 '.pri' files: qt_lib_coap_private.pri, qt_lib_coap.pri
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot package(): Packaged 1 '.json' file: Coap.json
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot package(): Packaged 1 '.json' file: Coap.json
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Package '9105b5b4ab5d474532cfc28699da368141e8a4cf' created
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Package '9105b5b4ab5d474532cfc28699da368141e8a4cf' created
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Created package revision b020ad78e9b87ec4b4081413ebc84e57
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Created package revision b020ad78e9b87ec4b4081413ebc84e57
      Generator deploy created deploy_manifest.txt
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      Generator deploy created deploy_manifest.txt
      Generator txt created conanbuildinfo.txt
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      Generator txt created conanbuildinfo.txt
      Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake
      Generator cmake_paths created conan_paths.cmake
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      Generator cmake_paths created conan_paths.cmake
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 25 '.h' files
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 25 '.h' files
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 14 files
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 14 files
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.txt' files: conaninfo.txt, conanmanifest.txt
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.txt' files: conaninfo.txt, conanmanifest.txt
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 8 '.cmake' files
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 8 '.cmake' files
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.debug' file: Qt6Coap.debug
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.debug' file: Qt6Coap.debug
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.prl' file: libQt6Coap.prl
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.prl' file: libQt6Coap.prl
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.6' file: libQt6Coap.so.6
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.6' file: libQt6Coap.so.6
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.pri' files: qt_lib_coap_private.pri, qt_lib_coap.pri
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.pri' files: qt_lib_coap_private.pri, qt_lib_coap.pri
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.1' file: libQt6Coap.so.6.0.1
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.1' file: libQt6Coap.so.6.0.1
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.json' file: Coap.json
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.json' file: Coap.json
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.so' file: libQt6Coap.so
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtcoap/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.so' file: libQt6Coap.so
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)

      Files missing:
      File not found: /home/qt/.conan/data/qtcoap/6.0.1/Qt/snapshot/export/conanfile.py  
      Dir not found: /home/qt/.conan/data/qtcoap/6.0.1/Qt/snapshot/export_source




            sonakur Sona Kurazyan
            mierala Minna Erälä
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