Uploaded image for project: 'Qt'
  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-90445

Unable to build QtNetworkAuth Add-On with Conan, linux-g++-Ubuntu20.04-x64



    • Linux/X11


      Install Qt6.0.1, QtNetworkAuth,Cmake, Ninja and Conan with online installer.
      Run build command:
      conan install qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot --build=missing --profile=/home/qt/RTA/qt5/Tools/Conan/profiles/qt-6.0.1-gcc-x86_64 -s build_type=Release -g cmake_paths -g=cmake -g deploy
      Build fails:
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot package(): Packaged 2 '.pri' files: qt_lib_networkauth.pri, qt_lib_networkauth_private.pri
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot package(): Packaged 1 '.json' file: NetworkAuth.json
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot package(): Packaged 1 '.json' file: NetworkAuth.json
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Package '9105b5b4ab5d474532cfc28699da368141e8a4cf' created
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Package '9105b5b4ab5d474532cfc28699da368141e8a4cf' created
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Created package revision d762e46b393f9b879ef38849da648584
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot: Created package revision d762e46b393f9b879ef38849da648584
      Generator cmake_paths created conan_paths.cmake
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      Generator cmake_paths created conan_paths.cmake
      Generator txt created conanbuildinfo.txt
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      Generator txt created conanbuildinfo.txt
      Generator deploy created deploy_manifest.txt
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      Generator deploy created deploy_manifest.txt
      Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.prl' file: libQt6NetworkAuth.prl
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.prl' file: libQt6NetworkAuth.prl
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.pri' files: qt_lib_networkauth.pri, qt_lib_networkauth_private.pri
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.pri' files: qt_lib_networkauth.pri, qt_lib_networkauth_private.pri
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.txt' files: conanmanifest.txt, conaninfo.txt
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 2 '.txt' files: conanmanifest.txt, conaninfo.txt
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 11 files
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 11 files
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.1' file: libQt6NetworkAuth.so.6.0.1
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.1' file: libQt6NetworkAuth.so.6.0.1
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 17 '.h' files
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 17 '.h' files
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 8 '.cmake' files
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 8 '.cmake' files
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.6' file: libQt6NetworkAuth.so.6
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.6' file: libQt6NetworkAuth.so.6
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.json' file: NetworkAuth.json
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.json' file: NetworkAuth.json
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.debug' file: Qt6NetworkAuth.debug
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.debug' file: Qt6NetworkAuth.debug
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.so' file: libQt6NetworkAuth.so
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)
      qtnetworkauth/6.0.1@qt/snapshot deploy(): Copied 1 '.so' file: libQt6NetworkAuth.so
      Build failed (Screenshot taken from the desktop is invalid)





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