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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-87609

Changing TableView columnWidthProvider from 0 (hidden) to non-zero not effective



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 5.15.1
    • None
    • All


      I have a TableView inside my Window. I am using columnWidthProvider to provide the column width to be a specific size, and I am calling onWidthChanged: forceLayout() to force updates after width changes. However if the initial value returned by columnWidthProvider is zero (meaning telling TableView to hide that column) then the update does not have any effect.

      I think if not a bug, this would be incompatible with design of other QtQuick components such as Window that has the TreeView inside, since Window first creates its contentItem at 0x0 and then resizes it to the final Window size. Therefore TableView cannot be used inside a Window unless I set a dummy initial size for the column. A sample code would be like this:


      import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Window 2.15
      import Qt.labs.qmlmodels 1.0
      Window {
          width: 400
          height: 400
          visible: true
          TableView {
              anchors.fill: parent
              columnSpacing: 1
              rowSpacing: 1
              boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
      		/* cannot resize and have the column appear */
      		columnWidthProvider: function (column) { return column === 0 ? width : 0 }
      		onWidthChanged: forceLayout()
              model: TableModel {
                  TableModelColumn { display: "checked" }
                  TableModelColumn { display: "amount" }
                  TableModelColumn { display: "fruitType" }
                  TableModelColumn { display: "fruitName" }
                  TableModelColumn { display: "fruitPrice" }
                  // Each row is one type of fruit that can be ordered
                  rows: [
                          // Each property is one cell/column.
                          checked: false,
                          amount: 1,
                          fruitType: "Apple",
                          fruitName: "Granny Smith",
                          fruitPrice: 1.50
                          checked: true,
                          amount: 4,
                          fruitType: "Orange",
                          fruitName: "Navel",
                          fruitPrice: 2.50
                          checked: false,
                          amount: 1,
                          fruitType: "Banana",
                          fruitName: "Cavendish",
                          fruitPrice: 3.50
              delegate:  TextInput {
                  text: model.display
                  padding: 12
                  selectByMouse: true
                  onAccepted: model.display = text
                  Rectangle {
                      anchors.fill: parent
                      color: "#efefef"
                      z: -1


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