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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-86880

Accessibility : Qt Quick Control 2 MenuBar unusable with screen reader



    • Windows


      Hello !

      I'm currently working on making my application fully accessible with a screen reader.

      For those who doesn't know, a screen reader is used by blind or visually-impaired people  to "navigate" in a software using Tab and other shortcuts. Each time the activeFocus moves, the screen reader vocalize the item name, its state, its function and other useful informations.

      For your tests on Windows, I enjoin you to use NVDA, free and open-source, at https://www.nvaccess.org/download/  . Its size is only 20Mo. When installing it, tell it to create a portable version.

      Here is my problems :

      I implemented an optional Qt Quick Controls 2 MenuBar for accessibility purpose. Yet, when using a shortcut like "Alt+F" to access the "&File" menu, the menu title isn't vocalized. Nothing.

      Only way to have it vocalized is when hovering the menu title in the menu bar with the mouse.

      Also, when I'm moving between menus with the left/right arrows, at most the screen reader tells me "Empty" for each menu.

      Test it with this code :

      • Launch the screen reader, type "Alt+F"
      • Type Right and Left keys to move between menus
      • Hover with the mouse the menu titles (its vocalized)


      import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
      ApplicationWindow {
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          title: qsTr("Hello World")  
          menuBar: MenuBar {        
              Menu {
                  title: "&File"            
                  MenuItem {
                      text: "test 1"
                  MenuItem {
                      text: "test 2"
              Menu {
                  title: "&Edit"            
                  MenuItem {
                      text: "test 1"
                  MenuItem {
                      text: "test 2"

      Thank you !






            smd Jan Arve
            skrib Cyril Jacquet
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

