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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-85854

QBSP productization and enablers for 2H2020



    • QBSP in 2H2020 and Qt 6


      QBSP images can be downloaded from account.qt.io/downloads and installed through Qt Installer / Maintenance tool. The model allows us to deliver new Qt DC targets for existing releases and update and maintain them outside of Qt main release cycle. 

      Board vendor enablers enabling 3rd party QBSP mechanism

      Key enablers for Board Vendor partners to enable them self-creating BSP with Commercial Qt and deliver a developer friendly packaging.

      QBSP is a key feature on this area and it may require additional enhancements in documentation, tooling, implementation or TQC public www-pages (mainly account.qt.io/downloads).

      Also, instead of forcing board vendors to create new QBSP for each 5.14.0, 14.1, 14.2 etc is not feasible but rather there should be a method for user to switch easily Qt libraries on a target per patch release. This is covered in QTBUG-77799. Also TQC may want to automate library update and testing between ..# releases.

      Target QBSP packages created by TQC

      Qt for Device Creation commercial offering with pre-built QBSP targets created by The Qt Company. We will use the same method we aim to get our partners to use. Intent is to get the board vendor to create and test the QBSP leaving verification and distribution to TQC. 

      When TQC Technical Sales or Professional Services is creating a customer QBSP, the target is to also that should be available for other customers unless other agreed between the parties.

      Target QBSP packages can be created for Qt 5.12 LTS, Qt 5.14 and possibly other releases.


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              sapiippo Samuli Piippo
              santtuahonen Santtu Ahonen
              Santtu Ahonen Santtu Ahonen
              Rami Potinkara Rami Potinkara
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