Uploaded image for project: 'Qt'
  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-85536

WebAssembly qdeclarative -- double tapping on the canvas with mobile device causes screen to become locked / zoomed in permenantly in some situations



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 5.15.0
    • None
    • WebAssembly


      In certain situations, tapping on the rendered canvas generated by emscripten's compiler output  can cause the screen to become zoomed in and then stuck that way. 

      This happens under mobile devices under google chrome for mobile 


      Attachments not working on bug tracker, however the code is simple enough.





      import QtQuick 2.13
      import QtQuick.Window 2.13
      import QtQuick 2.13
      import QtQuick.Window 2.13Window {
          visible: true    title: qsTr("Hello World")
          width: 1600
          height: 900
          Rectangle {
              id: logoContainer
              width: parent.width
              color: "black"
              height: parent.height * 0.35
              MainMenu {
                  anchors.fill: parent
          Timer {
              running: true
              repeat: false
              interval: 10000
              onTriggered: {
                  presentationImage.opacity = 1.0
          Rectangle {        id: presentationContainer
              width: parent.width
              color: "black"
              height: parent.height * 0.65
              anchors.top: logoContainer.bottom
              Image {
                  opacity: 0.1
                  source: "qrc:///images/5f07ab12d3972/presentation_01_header_text_gfx.svg.png"
                  anchors.fill: parent
                  id: presentationImage
                  Behavior on opacity {
                      NumberAnimation {                    duration: 4000
      Designer {





      import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
      import QtQuick.Window 2.2
      import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
      import QtQuick.Particles 2.0Item {
          id: menuRoot    signal startLocalGame
          anchors.fill: parent
          Component.onCompleted: {
              logoRoot.opacity = 0.9
          Image {
              id: logoRoot
              source: "qrc:///images/dflogo3-1.png"
              width: parent.width
              height: parent.height
              anchors.top: parent.top
              scale: 1.0
              opacity: 0.1
              z: 10
          function generate_path_from_pct_array(targetItem, pctArray) {
              var rv = "M "
              for (var i = 0; i < pctArray.length; i++) {
                  var obj = pctArray[i]
                  var objx = mapToItem(targetItem, targetItem.width * obj.x,
                                       targetItem.height * obj.y).x
                  var objy = mapToItem(targetItem, targetItem.width * obj.x,
                                       targetItem.height * obj.y).y
                  rv += objx + " " + objy
                  if ((i + 1) < pctArray.length) {
                      rv += " L "
              return rv
          ParticleSystem {
              id: ps
              anchors.fill: parent
              scale: 1
              z: 150
              transformOrigin: Item.Center
          }    property var particles: []
          function create_block_particle(xpos, ypos) {
              var obj = particleComponent.createObject(menuRoot, {
                                                           "x": xpos,
                                                           "y": ypos
              obj.running = true
          }    property var sparkAnimationPoints: [{
                  "x": 0.5861538461538461,
                  "y": 0.09473684210526316
              }, {
                  "x": 0.5961538461538461,
                  "y": 0.10789473684210527
              }, {
                  "x": 0.5992307692307692,
                  "y": 0.10789473684210527
              }, {
                  "x": 0.61,
                  "y": 0.09736842105263158
              }, {
                  "x": 0.6146153846153846,
                  "y": 0.09736842105263158
              }, {
                  "x": 0.6153846153846154,
                  "y": 0.09736842105263158
              }, {
                  "x": 0.6284615384615385,
                  "y": 0.09736842105263158
              }, {
                  "x": 0.6492307692307693,
                  "y": 0.09210526315789473
              }, {
                  "x": 0.6492307692307693,
                  "y": 0.09210526315789473
              }, {
                  "x": 0.6615384615384615,
                  "y": 0.08947368421052632
              }, {
                  "x": 0.6638461538461539,
                  "y": 0.08947368421052632
              }, {
                  "x": 0.686923076923077,
                  "y": 0.08947368421052632
              }, {
                  "x": 0.703076923076923,
                  "y": 0.0868421052631579
              }, {
                  "x": 0.7169230769230769,
                  "y": 0.0868421052631579
              }, {
                  "x": 0.7346153846153847,
                  "y": 0.1
              }, {
                  "x": 0.7661538461538462,
                  "y": 0.11315789473684211
              }, {
                  "x": 0.7715384615384615,
                  "y": 0.11315789473684211
              }, {
                  "x": 0.8084615384615385,
                  "y": 0.09736842105263158
              }, {
                  "x": 0.8638461538461538,
                  "y": 0.09736842105263158
              }, {
                  "x": 0.8746153846153846,
                  "y": 0.09736842105263158
              }, {
                  "x": 0.89,
                  "y": 0.1
              }, {
                  "x": 0.89,
                  "y": 0.1
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9,
                  "y": 0.1
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9115384615384615,
                  "y": 0.1
              }, {
                  "x": 0.926923076923077,
                  "y": 0.10263157894736842
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9276923076923077,
                  "y": 0.10263157894736842
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9553846153846154,
                  "y": 0.15263157894736842
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9561538461538461,
                  "y": 0.15263157894736842
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9661538461538461,
                  "y": 0.1763157894736842
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9746153846153847,
                  "y": 0.2
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9815384615384616,
                  "y": 0.22894736842105262
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9853846153846154,
                  "y": 0.26052631578947366
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9876923076923076,
                  "y": 0.2789473684210526
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9876923076923076,
                  "y": 0.29473684210526313
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9930769230769231,
                  "y": 0.3394736842105263
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9930769230769231,
                  "y": 0.3473684210526316
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9868624420401855,
                  "y": 0.5447368421052632
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9799072642967542,
                  "y": 0.5763157894736842
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9799072642967542,
                  "y": 0.5763157894736842
              }, {
                  "x": 0.955177743431221,
                  "y": 0.631578947368421
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9404945904173106,
                  "y": 0.6473684210526316
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9358578052550232,
                  "y": 0.6657894736842105
              }, {
                  "x": 0.9064914992272025,
                  "y": 0.7105263157894737
              }, {
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                  "y": 0.7052631578947368
              }, {
                  "x": 0.8608964451313755,
                  "y": 0.6894736842105263
              }, {
                  "x": 0.8253477588871716,
                  "y": 0.6894736842105263
              }, {
                  "x": 0.7998454404945904,
                  "y": 0.6894736842105263
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              }, {
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                  "y": 0.7026315789473684
              }, {
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                  "y": 0.7078947368421052
              }, {
                  "x": 0.6955177743431221,
                  "y": 0.7105263157894737
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                  "y": 0.7078947368421052
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              }, {
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                  "y": 0.6894736842105263
              }, {
                  "x": 0.5710973724884081,
                  "y": 0.6815789473684211
              }, {
                  "x": 0.5548686244204019,
                  "y": 0.7
              }, {
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              }, {
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                  "y": 0.08157894736842106
              }, {
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                  "y": 0.08157894736842106
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                  "y": 0.08157894736842106
              }, {
                  "x": 0.6421947449768161,
                  "y": 0.08157894736842106
              }, {
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                  "y": 0.08157894736842106
              }, {
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          ParallelAnimation {
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                  to: 0.9
                  duration: 26000
              }        PathAnimation {            path: Path {                PathSvg {   
                          path: generate_path_from_pct_array(ps, sparkAnimationPoints)
                  orientation: PathAnimation.Fixed            duration: 20000
                  loops: PathAnimation.Infinite            target: explosionEmitter
          }    SequentialAnimation {
              running: true
              PathAnimation {            path: Path {                PathSvg {            
                          path: generate_path_from_pct_array(ps, sparkAnimationPoints)
                  orientation: PathAnimation.Fixed            duration: 20000
                  loops: PathAnimation.Infinite            target: starEmitter
          Emitter {        id: starEmitter
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              width: menuRoot.width * 0.01 // 0.45
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              enabled: true
              group: "logo2"
              emitRate: 70        startTime: 0
              lifeSpan: 2000
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              size: 50
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              endSize: 0
              velocityFromMovement: 2
              system: ps
              z: 150
              velocity: PointDirection {
                  x: 0
                  xVariation: 0
                  y: 0
                  yVariation: 0
              acceleration: PointDirection {
                  x: 0
                  xVariation: 0
                  y: 0
                  yVariation: 0
              //     shape: MaskShape {
              //        source: "qrc:///images/BlitzLogoModern.svg"
              //   }
              shape: EllipseShape {
                  fill: false
              scale: 1
          ImageParticle {
              id: starParticle
              objectName: "starEmitter"
              groups: ["logo2"]
              source: "qrc:///images/star.png"        color: "#fdf6f2"
              colorVariation: 0
              alpha: 0.8
              alphaVariation: 0.1
              redVariation: 0
              greenVariation: 0
              blueVariation: 0.3
              rotation: 0
              rotationVariation: 90
              autoRotation: false
              rotationVelocity: 0
              rotationVelocityVariation: 90
              entryEffect: ImageParticle.Fade
              system: ps
          }    ImageParticle {
              objectName: "asdf"
              groups: ["asdf"]
              source: "qrc:///particleresources/glowdot.png"
              color: "white"
              colorVariation: 0
              alpha: 1
              alphaVariation: 0
              redVariation: 0
              greenVariation: 0
              blueVariation: 0
              rotation: 0
              rotationVariation: 45
              autoRotation: false
              rotationVelocity: 0
              rotationVelocityVariation: 0
              entryEffect: ImageParticle.Scale
              system: ps
          }    Emitter {
              objectName: ""
              id: explosionEmitter
              width: 10
              height: 10
              enabled: true
              group: "asdf"
              emitRate: 16
              maximumEmitted: -1
              startTime: 2000
              lifeSpan: 3000
              lifeSpanVariation: 0
              size: 60
              sizeVariation: 50
              endSize: 15
              velocityFromMovement: 4
              system: ps
              velocity: PointDirection {
                  x: -25
                  xVariation: -250
                  y: -250
                  yVariation: -250
              acceleration: PointDirection {
                  x: 0
                  xVariation: -200
                  y: 0
                  yVariation: -560
              shape: RectangleShape {}


      The rest of the code is just default out-of-the-box  QtQuickControls2 Application


      See a live version here:




      Complete Source:






            lpotter Lorn Potter
            nodelogik Mike Nickaloff
            Veli-Pekka Heinonen Veli-Pekka Heinonen
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

