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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-82817

ASSERT: "scope != nullptr" when running qmllint -U on QML files in qtquickcontrols2



    • 3e57c56aa1d54ac4587284727ca9c952d33f3e43 afe20375bab3dea584c3b6c9bc5812da78f6618e 869efe4a49c5286493d7f039325992725bcac6c3 f726d237277de0f4c8f276d20a5bb1b6a8cd007c 1b5a6c19ab701c9b94b1ffb094999c34643bcd1d


      micurtis@QT-D-S4CX2350 MINGW64 /c/dev/qt5.15/qtquickcontrols2 ((88fa6ec6...))
      $ find . -name "*.qml" -exec /c/dev/qt5.15-d/qtbase/bin/qmllint -U {} \;
      Warning: unqualified access at 79:23
                      text: modelData
      Warning: unqualified access at 86:39
                          source: "qrc:/" + modelData.replace(" ", "_") + ".png"
      Warning: unqualified access at 75:19
                  text: modelData
      Warning: Property "StackView" not found on type "Page" at 79:29
                  onClicked: root.StackView.view.push("qrc:/ConversationPage.qml", { inConversationWith: modelData })
      Warning: unqualified access at 79:100
                  onClicked: root.StackView.view.push("qrc:/ConversationPage.qml", { inConversationWith: modelData })
      Warning: unqualified access at 83:35
                      source: "qrc:/" + modelData.replace(" ", "_") + ".png"
      Warning: Property "StackView" not found on type "Page" at 66:29
                  onClicked: root.StackView.view.pop()
      Warning: unqualified access at 71:19
                  text: inConversationWith
      Note: inConversationWith is a meber of the root element
            You can qualify the access with its id to avoid this warning:
                  text: root.inConversationWith
      Warning: Property "BottomToTop" not found on type "QQuickListView" at 86:47
                  verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop
      Warning: unqualified access at 90:50
                      readonly property bool sentByMe: index % 2 == 0
      Warning: unqualified access at 100:31
                          visible: !sentByMe
      Warning: unqualified access at 106:28
                          color: sentByMe ? "lightgrey" : "steelblue"
      Warning: Property "Wrap" not found on type "QtQuick.Controls/TextArea 2.0" at 130:40
                          wrapMode: TextArea.Wrap
      Warning: unqualified access at 110:31
                              text: index
      Warning: unqualified access at 111:32
                              color: sentByMe ? "black" : "white"
      warning: SqlContactModel was not found. Did you add all import paths?
      warning: SqlConversationModel was not found. Did you add all import paths?
      warning: SqlContactModel was not found. Did you add all import paths?
      warning: SqlConversationModel was not found. Did you add all import paths?
      Warning: unqualified access at 64:19
                  text: fullName
      Warning: unqualified access at 84:23
                      text: address
      Warning: unqualified access at 96:23
                      text: city
      Warning: unqualified access at 108:23
                      text: number
      Warning: Property "Ok" not found on type "QtQuick.Controls/Dialog 2.1" at 85:29
          standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel
      Warning: Property "Cancel" not found on type "QtQuick.Controls/Dialog 2.1" at 85:41
          standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel
      ASSERT: "scope != nullptr" in file C:\dev\qt5.15\qtdeclarative\tools\qmllint\scopetree.cpp, line 147
      Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
      Debug Error!
      Program: C:\dev\qt5.15-d\qtbase\bin\Qt5Cored.dll
      Module: 5.15.0
      File: C:\dev\qt5.15\qtdeclarative\tools\qmllint\scopetree.cpp
      Line: 147
      ASSERT: "scope != nullptr" in file C:\dev\qt5.15\qtdeclarative\tools\qmllint\scopetree.cpp, line 147
      (Press Retry to debug the application)
      Abort   Retry   Ignore   

      When I run qmllint on just that one file, it runs forever, but doesn't assert:

      /c/dev/qt5.15-d/qtbase/bin/qmllint -U /c/dev/qt5.15/qtquickcontrols2/src/imports/controls/Dialog.qml


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              ulherman Ulf Hermann
              mitch_curtis Mitch Curtis
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              3 Start watching this issue

