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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-82639

Q12020 Crashing autotest: QtQuickcontrols - controls



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • P1: Critical
    • None
    • 6.0
    • Quick: Controls 1
    • None


      This error occurs in Ubuntu_18_04 and dev



      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:220: qemu-arm: /tmp/tmp.gAyELIlEi0/translate-all.c:175: tb_lock: Assertion `!have_tb_lock' failed.
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:220: qemu-arm: /tmp/tmp.gAyELIlEi0/translate-all.c:175: tb_lock: Assertion `!have_tb_lock' failed.
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:220: Makefile:332: recipe for target 'check' failed
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:220: make: *** [check] Error 127
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:253: Process finished with error: exit status 2
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:223: Error reading from stdout/err: exit status 2
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:471: Executing scheduled instruction 1 of 2 - Upload all core dumps if there are some
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:384: Skip uploading core files because CORE_FILES_PATH is not set in the environment
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:473: 
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:471: Executing scheduled instruction 2 of 2 - Upload test results
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 storageclient.go:451: Collecting test results, archiving and uploading them
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 result.go:177: Collecting 1 test results ...
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 build.go:473: 
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 agent.go:272: Test failed
      agent:2020/02/11 02:38:36 agent.go:200: ERROR building: error unmarshalling testlib xml output ('/home/qt/work/testresults/tests/auto/controls021836961'): 'XML syntax error on line 1617: unexpected EOF'.


      external log: 



      The wanted action

      • Fix the autotest flakiness in all affected versions, not just one. 
      • Please delegate this task to a suitable developer

      Guidelines for debugging

      Please see the internal page https://intranet.qt.io/display/QTRD/Metrics+Guidelines+for+Grafana+Tool+for+Autotests+with+Issues

      How to locate the failed flaky test:

      Please open the link to the Grafana dashboard showing the failure history of the test:


      Please see the panel List of the recent flaky tests (both passed and failed). Sort it based on the results to see the failed instances. 

      Please open the links to the Coin tasks containing the logs. Please see the test section containing state "Error" and open corresponding logs. There are two versions of the links. The first one is for the Qt company internal use allowing you to re-schedule build for debugging. The second one is public, allowing only to browse the logs.

      List of the incidents: 

      More incidents can be found from:


      The Coin log shows details and the location of the error message in it. At need, the raw log can be opened to see the entire log at once. 




            vhilshei Volker Hilsheimer
            hehalmet Heikki Halmet
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

