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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-80504

Decide on semi-public API (QPA, QRhi) documentation strategy




      Repurposed this task from 6.0 days. See options below. If we are fine with #1 then there is nothing to do from the doc tooling side. But if #2 is desired then some support needs to surface in the doc infrastructure first.

      Updated description:

      Currently there is one set of semi-public APIs in Qt: the QPA ones in qplatform*.h headers. The documentation for these is marked as internal. This is not necessarily a dealbreaker in practice since documentation is somewhat scarce for these classes.

      With QRhi planned to become semi-public (i.e. moving from _p.h to .h headers but without compatibility promises) in some of the Qt 6.x releases, this will become a lot more important since the QRhi APIs have a vast amount of documentation. Currently all of it is marked \internal


      • Just remove the \internal from the QRhi docs once the classes become (semi-)public, and manually add some sort of disclaimer (these APIs are in the gray zone, no binary compatibility, etc. etc.) everywhere
      • More central implementation via some qdoc tag? This has the benefit of being applicable to QPA as well, if it is interested to make its documentation public some day

      Original description:

      "Check with doc team if it is possible to have docs generated and published for private and semi-private APIs (QRhi, QPA, etc.) "

      Action point from Qt Contributor Summit 2019: Check with doc team if it is possible to have docs generated and published for private and semi-private APIs (QRhi, QPA, etc.)





            docteam Qt Documentation Team
            lagocs Laszlo Agocs
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

