Uploaded image for project: 'Qt'
  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-80468

Cannot deploy quick applications to device



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P0: Blocker
    • 5.14.0
    • 5.14.0 RC1
    • Build System
    • Android
    • a966a7b7df18ebf7b92409b1199386df7f872b6c (qt/qtbase/5.14.0)


      Might be a packaging issue also, please re-assign as a QTBUG if that's the case.

      On Windows, Linux and macOS deploying of QtQuick applications fail (mostly with armeabi-v7a (Windows, Linux, macOS), and also arm64-v8a (Windows, Linux).

      The applications build, but when trying to deploy to a device, one gets:

       E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted
      E Zygote : accessInfo : 1
      I example.galler: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
      W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
       DecorView: createDecorCaptionView >> DecorView@5019566[], 
      isFloating: false, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, 
      hasWindowControllerCallback: true
      D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
      I QtCore : Start
      I Qt : qt started
      D EmergencyMode: [EmergencyManager] android createPackageContext successful
      D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: fd=65
      D ViewRootImpl@fc0be87[QtActivity]: setView = DecorView@5019566[QtActivity] TM=true MM=false
       ViewRootImpl@fc0be87[QtActivity]: Relayout returned: 
      old=[0,0][1600,2452] new=[0,0][1600,2452] result=0x7 surface={true 
      4018436096} changed=true
      I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 1c7d42c, If23bcb88b5
      I Adreno : Build Date : 01/28/19
      I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.25.03.01
      I Adreno : Local Branch :
      I Adreno : Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.7.4.R1.
      I Adreno : Remote Branch : NONE
      I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
      I Adreno : Build Config : S L 6.0.7 AArch32
      I Adreno : PFP: 0x005ff112, ME: 0x005ff066
      I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
      I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
      I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
      D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
      D ViewRootImpl@fc0be87[QtActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 1
      D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@5019566[QtActivity]
      D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
      D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@5019566[QtActivity]
      D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
      D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe9905240, 0xef847808
       InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=org.qtproject.example.gallery 
      ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , 
      NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
      D InputMethodManager: startInputInner - Id : 0
      I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
      D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: fd=70
      D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@5019566[QtActivity]
      D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
       InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=org.qtproject.example.gallery 
      ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , 
      NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
      D InputMethodManager: startInputInner - Id : 0
      D ViewRootImpl@fc0be87[QtActivity]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][1600,2452] ci=[0,54][0,0] vi=[0,54][0,0] or=1
      W Gallery : QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
      W Gallery : qrc:/gallery.qml:-1 module "QtQuick" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:56 module "Qt.labs.settings" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:55 module "QtQuick.Controls.Universal" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:54 module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:53 module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:52 module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:51 module "QtQuick" is not installed
      W Gallery : qrc:/gallery.qml:-1 module "QtQuick" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:56 module "Qt.labs.settings" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:55 module "QtQuick.Controls.Universal" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:54 module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:53 module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:52 module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:51 module "QtQuick" is not installed
      W Gallery : qrc:/gallery.qml:-1 module "QtQuick" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:56 module "Qt.labs.settings" is not installed
      W Gallery :
      qrc:/gallery.qml:55 modu
      W Gallery : exit app 0
      D ViewRootImpl@fc0be87[QtActivity]: stopped(true) old=false
      "org.qtproject.example.gallery" died.


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              esabraha Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
              mipohjan Milla Pohjanheimo
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