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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-79305

tst_InspectorServer::testPageList is flaky



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • P0: Blocker
    • None
    • 5.14.0 Beta2
    • WebEngine
    • None
    • macOS


      Qt CI Bot

      Continuous Integration: Failed

      The test execution failed ('/Users/qt/work/qt/qtwebengine/tests/auto/quick/inspectorserver'). The CI rejected the staged commits due to the beforementioned reason. Possible reason could be a bug in one of the commits or some more recent change. Please investigate it.

      The error was in "qt/qtwebengine", revision: 6ec6b478dbe164686e1355da0478c6783e55d0ba
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:50 build.go:751:
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:50 build.go:484: Executing instruction 38 of 95 - RunQtUnitTest
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:50 build.go:600: Running tests in directory /Users/qt/work/qt/qtwebengine/tests/auto/quick/inspectorserver
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:50 runner.go:72: Generating test results with TESTARGS=-o /Users/qt/work/testresults/tests/auto/quick/inspectorserver424475417,xml -o -,txt
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:50 build.go:329: [make check -j1] 900 900
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:50 build.go:220: /Users/qt/work/qt/qtwebengine/tests/auto/quick/inspectorserver/target_wrapper.sh ./tst_inspectorserver -o /Users/qt/work/testresults/tests/auto/quick/inspectorserver424475417,xml -o -,txt
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:51 build.go:220: Attribute Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts must be set before QCoreApplication is created.
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:51 build.go:220:
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:51 build.go:220: DevTools listening on ws://
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:51 build.go:220: ********* Start testing of tst_InspectorServer *********
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:51 build.go:220: Config: Using QtTest library 5.14.0, Qt 5.14.0 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by Clang 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5) (Apple))
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:51 build.go:220: PASS : tst_InspectorServer::initTestCase()
      agent:2019/10/17 06:41:51 build.go:220: QWARN : tst_InspectorServer::testPageList() Remote debugging server started successfully. Try pointing a Chromium-based browser to
      agent:2019/10/17 06:42:11 build.go:220: FAIL! : tst_InspectorServer::testPageList() '(loadSpy.size() && !webView()->isLoading())' returned FALSE. ()
      agent:2019/10/17 06:42:11 build.go:220: Loc: [tst_inspectorserver.cpp(118)]
      agent:2019/10/17 06:42:31 build.go:220: BFAIL : tst_InspectorServer::testRemoteDebuggingMessage() Compared values are not the same
      agent:2019/10/17 06:42:31 build.go:220: Actual (((webSocketQueryWebView->title()))): "about:blank"
      agent:2019/10/17 06:42:31 build.go:220: Expected (jsExpressionResult) : "4"
      agent:2019/10/17 06:42:31 build.go:220: Loc: [tst_inspectorserver.cpp(152)]
      agent:2019/10/17 06:43:50 build.go:220: BFAIL : tst_InspectorServer::openRemoteDebuggingSession() 'inspectorWebView->title().startsWith("DevTools -")' returned FALSE. ()
      agent:2019/10/17 06:43:50 build.go:220: Loc: [tst_inspectorserver.cpp(170)]
      agent:2019/10/17 06:43:50 build.go:220: PASS : tst_InspectorServer::cleanupTestCase()
      agent:2019/10/17 06:43:50 build.go:220: Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 2 blacklisted, 118991ms
      agent:2019/10/17 06:43:50 build.go:220: ********* Finished testing of tst_InspectorServer *********
      agent:2019/10/17 06:43:50 build.go:220: make: *** [check] Error 1
      agent:2019/10/17 06:43:50 build.go:253: Process finished with error: exit status 2
      agent:2019/10/17 06:43:50 build.go:223: Error reading from stdout/err: exit status 2
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:10 runner.go:156: Re-running tests/auto/quick/inspectorserver with TESTARGS=testPageList
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:10 build.go:329: [make check -j1] 900 900
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: /Users/qt/work/qt/qtwebengine/tests/auto/quick/inspectorserver/target_wrapper.sh ./tst_inspectorserver testPageList -maxwarnings 0
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.000 D] qt.opengl.diskcache unknown - Cache location '/Users/qt/Library/Caches/qtshadercache-x86_64-little_endian-lp64/' writable = 1
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.029 ] qt.qpa unknown - Loading macOS (Cocoa) platform plugin for Qt 5.14.0, running on macOS 10.13.6
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220:
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: Component SDK version Deployment target
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: ------------- ------------- -------------------
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: Qt 5.14.0 10.14.0 10.12.0
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: Application 10.14.0 10.12.0
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220:
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: 2019-10-17 06:44:11.360 tst_inspectorserver[3301:15539] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to (null)
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.218 ] qt.qpa.screen unknown - Adding QCocoaScreen(0x7f856ef48330, geometry=QRect(0,0 1280x800), dpr=1, name="Display", native=<NSScreen: 0x7f856ec15910>)
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.235 W] default unknown - Attribute Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts must be set before QCoreApplication is created.
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220:
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: DevTools listening on ws://
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.345 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Populating font database...
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.356 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Populating available families took 11 ms
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.356 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Resolving theme fonts took 0 ms
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.358 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font ".SF NS Text" 50 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.360 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font ".SF NS Text" 75 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.362 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font ".SF NS Text" 50 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.363 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font ".SF NS Text" 50 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.365 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font ".SF NS Text" 50 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.365 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font "Monaco" 50 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed true
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.367 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font ".SF NS Text" 50 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.369 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font ".SF NS Text" 50 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.369 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Populating system descriptors took 12 ms
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.369 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Resolving fallbacks families for style hint QFont::Times
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.406 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font ".Apple Symbols Fallback" 50 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.699 D] qt.text.font.db unknown - Adding font ".Noto Sans Universal" 50 QFont::StyleNormal 0 aa true fixed false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.699 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Fallback families ordered by script 2: ("Times New Roman", "Times", "Symbol", "Lucida Grande", "Geeza Pro", "Noto Nastaliq Urdu", "Thonburi", "Kokonor", "Songti SC", "Songti TC", "Hiragino Mincho ProN", "AppleMyungjo", "Songti TC", "Kohinoor Bangla", "ITF Devanagari", "Gujarati Sangam MN", "Gurmukhi MN", "Kannada MN", "Khmer MN", "Lao MN", "Malayalam MN", "Myanmar MN", "Oriya MN", "Sinhala MN", "Tamil Sangam MN", "Kohinoor Telugu", "Mshtakan", "Euphemia UCAS", "Plantagenet Cherokee", "Apple Color Emoji", ".Apple Symbols Fallback", ".Noto Sans Universal", "Arial Unicode MS", "Apple Symbols")
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.699 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Resolving fallbacks families for style hint QFont::Fantasy
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.762 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Fallback families ordered by script 2: ("Zapfino", "Apple Chancery", "Geeza Pro", "Noto Nastaliq Urdu", "Thonburi", "Kohinoor Devanagari", "Kokonor", "Songti SC", "Songti TC", "Hiragino Mincho ProN", "AppleMyungjo", "Songti TC", "Kohinoor Bangla", "Gujarati Sangam MN", "Gurmukhi MN", "Kannada MN", "Khmer MN", "Lao MN", "Malayalam MN", "Myanmar MN", "Oriya MN", "Sinhala MN", "Tamil Sangam MN", "Kohinoor Telugu", "Mshtakan", "Euphemia UCAS", "Plantagenet Cherokee", "Apple Color Emoji", ".Apple Symbols Fallback", ".Noto Sans Universal", "Arial Unicode MS", "Apple Symbols")
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.763 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Resolving fallbacks families for style hint QFont::Cursive
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.764 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Fallback families ordered by script 2: ("Apple Chancery", "Apple Chancery", "Geeza Pro", "Noto Nastaliq Urdu", "Thonburi", "Kohinoor Devanagari", "Kokonor", "Songti SC", "Songti TC", "Hiragino Mincho ProN", "AppleMyungjo", "Songti TC", "Kohinoor Bangla", "Gujarati Sangam MN", "Gurmukhi MN", "Kannada MN", "Khmer MN", "Lao MN", "Malayalam MN", "Myanmar MN", "Oriya MN", "Sinhala MN", "Tamil Sangam MN", "Kohinoor Telugu", "Mshtakan", "Euphemia UCAS", "Plantagenet Cherokee", "Apple Color Emoji", ".Apple Symbols Fallback", ".Noto Sans Universal", "Arial Unicode MS", "Apple Symbols")
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:11 build.go:220: [ 0.764 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Resolving fallbacks families for style hint QFont::Helvetica
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: [ 0.788 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Fallback families ordered by script 2: ("Helvetica", "Lucida Grande", "Geeza Pro", "Noto Nastaliq Urdu", "Thonburi", "Kailasa", "PingFang SC", "PingFang TC", "PingFang TC", "PingFang SC", "Hiragino Sans", "Hiragino Sans GB", "Apple SD Gothic Neo", "PingFang HK", "PingFang SC", "Kohinoor Bangla", "Kohinoor Devanagari", "Gujarati Sangam MN", "Gurmukhi MN", "Kannada Sangam MN", "Khmer Sangam MN", "Lao Sangam MN", "Malayalam Sangam MN", "Myanmar Sangam MN", "Oriya Sangam MN", "Sinhala Sangam MN", "Tamil Sangam MN", "Kohinoor Telugu", "Mshtakan", "Euphemia UCAS", "Plantagenet Cherokee", "Apple Color Emoji", ".Apple Symbols Fallback", ".Noto Sans Universal", "Arial Unicode MS", "Apple Symbols")
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: [ 0.788 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Resolving fallbacks families for style hint QFont::Monospace
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: [ 0.798 D] qt.qpa.fonts unknown - Fallback families ordered by script 2: ("Menlo", "Monaco", "Lucida Grande", "Courier New", "Geeza Pro", "Noto Nastaliq Urdu", "Ayuthaya", "Kailasa", "PingFang SC", "PingFang TC", "PingFang TC", "PingFang SC", "Hiragino Sans", "Hiragino Sans GB", "Apple SD Gothic Neo", "PingFang HK", "PingFang SC", "Kohinoor Bangla", "Kohinoor Devanagari", "Gujarati Sangam MN", "Gurmukhi MN", "Kannada Sangam MN", "Khmer Sangam MN", "Lao Sangam MN", "Malayalam Sangam MN", "Myanmar Sangam MN", "Oriya Sangam MN", "Sinhala Sangam MN", "Tamil Sangam MN", "Kohinoor Telugu", "Mshtakan", "Euphemia UCAS", "Plantagenet Cherokee", "Apple Color Emoji", ".Apple Symbols Fallback", ".Noto Sans Universal", "Arial Unicode MS", "Apple Symbols")
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: [ 0.805 D] qt.qml.diskcache unknown - Error loading "" from disk cache: "File has to be a local file."
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: [ 0.818 D] qt.qml.diskcache unknown - Error saving cached version of "" to disk: "Missing time stamp for source file"
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: ********* Start testing of tst_InspectorServer *********
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: Config: Using QtTest library 5.14.0, Qt 5.14.0 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by Clang 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5) (Apple))
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: PASS : tst_InspectorServer::initTestCase()
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: QDEBUG : tst_InspectorServer::testPageList() [ 0.821 D] qt.accessibility.cache unknown - insert - id: 2147483648 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x7f856eed8e40 name="" role=Document obj=QQuickWebEngineView(0x7f856ee7f7d0)rect=QRect(0,0 0x0))
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: QDEBUG : tst_InspectorServer::testPageList() [ 0.876 D] qt.quick.hover.trace unknown - QtWebEngineCore::RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateQuick(0x7f856ef96e00, parent=0x0, geometry=0,0 0x0) false -> true
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: QDEBUG : tst_InspectorServer::testPageList() [ 0.880 D] qt.quick.hover.trace unknown - QQuickWebEngineView(0x7f856ee7f7d0, parent=0x0, geometry=0,0 0x0) false -> true
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: QWARN : tst_InspectorServer::testPageList() [ 0.912 W] default unknown - Remote debugging server started successfully. Try pointing a Chromium-based browser to
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:12 build.go:220: [ 0.000 D] qt.opengl.diskcache unknown - Cache location '/Users/qt/Library/Caches/qtshadercache-x86_64-little_endian-lp64/' writable = 1
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:13 build.go:220: QDEBUG : tst_InspectorServer::testPageList() [ 1.997 D] qt.quick.hover.trace unknown - QQuickWebEngineView(0x7f856ee7f7d0, parent=0x0, geometry=0,0 0x0) true -> false
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: FAIL! : tst_InspectorServer::testPageList() '(loadSpy.size() && !webView()->isLoading())' returned FALSE. ()
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: Loc: [tst_inspectorserver.cpp(118)]
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: QDEBUG : tst_InspectorServer::testPageList() [ 20.937 D] qt.accessibility.cache unknown - delete - id: 2147483648 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x7f856eed8e40 invalid)
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: PASS : tst_InspectorServer::cleanupTestCase()
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 20119ms
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: ********* Finished testing of tst_InspectorServer *********
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Qml GC memory allocation statistics:
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Total memory allocated: 0
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Max memory used before a GC run: 0
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Max memory used after a GC run: 0
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Requests for different item sizes:
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 32 bytes: 807
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 64 bytes: 166
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 96 bytes: 514
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 128 bytes: 56
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 160 bytes: 0
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 192 bytes: 0
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: [ 20.939 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - >= 224 bytes: 43
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:220: make: *** [check] Error 1
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:253: Process finished with error: exit status 2
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:471: Executing scheduled instruction 1 of 2 - Upload all core dumps if there are some
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:223: Error reading from stdout/err: exit status 2
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:394: No core files have been found, that is good
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:473:
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:471: Executing scheduled instruction 2 of 2 - Upload test results
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 storageclient.go:407: Collecting test results, archiving and uploading them
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 result.go:177: Collecting 2 test results ...
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 build.go:473:
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 agent.go:272: Test failed
      agent:2019/10/17 06:44:32 agent.go:200: ERROR building: exit status 2
      2019-10-17 06:44:32,289 INFO:workitem.py:640(2315): Agent FINISHED FAIL: testing /Users/qt/work/qt/qtwebengine/tests/auto/quick/inspectorserver: qt/qtwebengine/890023e97ffa056ded135cd8a12d3f900ed4a1d2/MacOSMacOS_10_13x86_64MacOSMacOS_10_13x86_64Clangqtci-macos-10.13-x86_64-2-db9cfe/a30570d397599fa9ea85387981010094c0e470b1/Test

      Build log: https://testresults.qt.io/logs/qt/qtwebengine/890023e97ffa056ded135cd8a12d3f900ed4a1d2/MacOSMacOS_10_13x86_64MacOSMacOS_10_13x86_64Clangqtci-macos-10.13-x86_64-2-db9cfe/a30570d397599fa9ea85387981010094c0e470b1/test_1571291311/log.txt.gz

      Details: https://testresults.qt.io/coin/integration/qt/qt5/tasks/1571285268
      Tested changes (refs/builds/qtci/5.14/1571285267):
      https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qt5/+/276903 Update submodules on '5.14' in qt/qt5


        Issue Links



              qt_webengine_team Qt WebEngine Team
              janihe Jani Heikkinen
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue

