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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-76802

missing loadFinished after in-page navigation link to fragment



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • 5.15.5, 5.15
    • 5.12.3
    • WebEngine
    • None
    • All
    • 4d4fc9cd120376f30ce0630b1e8c7bf174d44fae (qt/qtwebengine/5.15)


      If a user clicks on a link that uses a fragment to navigate inside of that page, WebEnginePage generates a loadStarted signal but NO corresponding loadFinished signal.

      This can create problems when trying to determine when it is safe to run javascripts on the page and when it is not. It is also inconsistent.

      A quick check with the signal loadProgress(int progress) shows a 0 immediately followed by 100 but no loadFinished.

      In addition unlike QWebKit which can delegate all links, the recommended use of overriding acceptNavigationRequests() in QWebEnginePage is never invoked for this user "clicked" event to navigate to a local link, preventing its interception.

      We can use loadProgress and test for progress equal to 100% to workaround the problem and send out our own (more reliable) loadFinished signal. But this really should be fixed. There should never be a missing loadFinished if there is a loadStarted. If a load fails it should return a loadFinished with okay as false.

      Also, how do you recommend we detect and intercept requests to navigate inside the page by the user clicking links with #fragment? This does not seem to be achievable using the recommended acceptNavigationRequests.


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              kiburtse Kirill Burtsev
              kevinhendricks Kevin B. Hendricks
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